Pluto TV - no Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy channels

Thank you. jeopardy is working now!

Yikes that is a long JWT! I can see the annoyance in getting that encoded. Thanks for getting it working again!

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its more that a single token can only be used to stream 1 channel at once.
So, every channel needs its own token generated.
token only lasts 24 hours

Aside from the new location, do we set this up using the old instructions (pulling deviceID and unique SID and plugging into the downloaded info)? I find my deviceID in that, but not an SID. It's been quite a while since I initially set this up, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

It won't work for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy anymore because of what @matthuisman outlined (JWT enforcement), but it works for every other station. I haven't taken the time to figure out a way to do this at home yet, so you can just pull their feed that does it for you:

#EXTM3U x-tvg-url=""
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="pluto-625f04253e5f6c000708f3b7" tvg-id="625f04253e5f6c000708f3b7" tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="2000" group-title="Game Shows" , Jeopardy! hosted by Alex Trebek

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="pluto-625f054c5dfea70007244612" tvg-id="625f054c5dfea70007244612" tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="2010" group-title="Game Shows" , Wheel of Fortune

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Think I may have gotten an updated docker based on @matthuisman which includes the JWT
if you wanna give it a try

docker run -d --network=host -e PLUTO_PORT=<port_number> --name pluto-for-channels jgomez177/pluto-for-channels


not all heroes wear capes @matthuisman and @joagomez

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Can you make one for Samsung TV +? Please!!

What is the setup for the source??

when you install the docker based on port you go to the ip of the host and port
so if PLUTO_PORT=7777
will be http://x.x.x.x:7777 from where the links will be available

Thank You

Thanks so much for the updated docker.
Appreciate the update.

any chance you could make it so that the exposed port is derived from an environment variable? would love to keep all this within a single gluetun.

Awesome, thanks!

docker run -d --network=host -e PLUTO_PORT=<port_number> --name pluto-for-channels jgomez177/pluto-for-channels

The PLUTO_PORT is an environment variable and will use that port number you put

With the network=host

Alternatively the default is 7777 so you can use
-p <port_number>:7777 command instead of
--network=host -e PLUTO_PORT=<port_number>

Yep, that's what works for me:

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p {YOUR PREFERRED PORT NUMBER HERE}:7777 --name pluto-for-channels-2 jgomez177/pluto-for-channels:latest

See the comment I made here:

It's the same with this one and Pluto. The Maddox method uses this channel-id:


And your method uses this:

That just makes it more difficult for a one-to-one transition swap out.

Yeah I added that pluto- as there was some issues with other ids so I did that instead of single changes for those that ended up duplicating other sources (like tve or plex) but i can easily do both (maddox changes those that duplicate individually as they were identified but I just did a mass change)

pushed a new update that includes
channel-id by "provider"-"id" ( compatibility)
channel-id by "slug" (maddox compatibility)

added note: some stations will not match exactly with maddox as the slug may have changed "for example bounce-xl is now bounce-xl-ptv1 in the manner by which I am pulling" but for the most part things line up

Another near flawless transition, thanks so much! Yeah, there were barely a handful of things, took me less than 10 minutes to fix as opposed to the hours it would have taken to start over.

@HankLloydRight, you should check out @joagomez's Pluto solution and see if you can use that for The Plex one is fantastic, too, if you'd be interested in adding that (especially as Stirr continues dying).

I'm deep focused on other projects and I haven't been following -- can you sum up exactly what would need to be changed? Thanks.