Pluto for Channels

4 posts were split to a new topic: Need help with Non-Docker source for PlutoTV

I'm looking for a way to record a nightly show on Pluto and was sent here as a possible way to do it. Okay, this is all new to me, so before I sign up and start down the rabbit hole of getting everything working, is it possible to record off live Pluto at a set time each night?

First, welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes. :sunglasses:

Channels DVR offers a generous 30-day free trial so you have time to get things going to try. :smiley:

You will find plenty of helpful people in these forums.

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I have signed up and installed the server on a windows PC I have running 24/7 (media is stored on a terra master nas I have running)

I found the jgomez177 pluto-for-channels, and now I will show my ignorance. I have no idea how to run the docker instructions.

First step:

Learning how to use Docker is a good start, but while you're doing that, use the easier no-container method described here: Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

All you do is add a new "Custom Channels" source in the Sources section of Channels Web Settings interface. Mine looks like this:

You WILL want to learn how to use Docker containers for other goodies you'll find around this community, and it's easy to get rusty when you haven't for a while. Ask me how I know :upside_down_face:


Wow that was easy - Thank you!


@joagomez Ran out of guide data again. No errors or exceptions in the container log this time.

Container stopped updating guide data, but don't see any errors and container is still running

2025-01-14T03:21:44.255397696Z New token for local generated at 2025-01-14 03:21.43 +0000
2025-01-14T03:21:44.827282666Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:21:47.002864170Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:21:49.158644423Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:22:21.035838366Z New token for us_east generated at 2025-01-14 03:22.20 +0000
2025-01-14T03:22:21.452535151Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:22:23.557243576Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:22:26.054582534Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:22:58.469074476Z New token for us_west generated at 2025-01-14 03:22.58 +0000
2025-01-14T03:22:58.889030079Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:00.979478307Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:03.437053902Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:35.159154549Z Initialize XML File for ALL
2025-01-14T03:23:35.588325952Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:37.689425737Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:39.942475444Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:41.194590153Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:43.330107816Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:46.293310713Z Retrieving us_east EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:48.088864235Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-14T03:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:50.310781433Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-14T15:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T03:23:53.607818190Z Retrieving us_west EPG data for 2025-01-15T03:00:00.000Z

2025-01-14T05:24:26.775673691Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T05:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T05:24:28.933757418Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-14T17:00:00.000Z
2025-01-14T05:24:31.016082399Z Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-01-15T05:00:00.000Z

Any console commands I should run inside the container before I restart it?
Just restarted the container. Was using 231MB Ram and 0.45% CPU
2 hours after restarting it's using 257MB Ram and 0.55% CPU. Not much change.

Thinking of running a cron job to restart the container every week or two.

I have the docker working running on my synology but I can't get the custom channels to load the playlist.m3u or epg.xml. I had this running for years and recently I changed my IP address of my nas but I was able to get it running again. I noticed a few days ago that I don't have the 'Record' button for Pluto channels. I tried to setup the playlist and epg again and now I get this message: invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused.
I need help setting this up again.

Updated image (version 1.20) with new monitoring thread to ensure scheduler is running along with additional logs to track status (monitoring thread runs every 15 minutes with scheduler set to run every 2 hours, was 4 hrs)

I would ensure you have the latest image (now 1.20) and ensure you are publishing port 8080 (per your post) with -p 8080:7777 or -e PLUTO_PORT=8080 -p 8080:8080

I just re-downloaded Channels dVR today from their site and uploaded to DSM but it is ver. 1.10. where do I get the latest version from? an not sure how to do the second part. oh I and I deleted the old image in docker container and setup the latest one.

isn't this port used by OliveTin ?

Are there setup instruction that I could use to start from the beginning? I set this up years ago and it worked fine. I have looked all around and tried everything I have seen here but I'm still unable to setup the Custom Channels to point to the playlist or epg. I am a newly


I don’t use olivetin and I don’t think the person that submitted the question does either

Is there any developer that can help me set the custom channels up for Pluto? I do not have olive tin and I tried Portainer but I don't know how to use that either. I simply need help setup up the customer channels

Go here for the github for the latest

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I went there first and I do not know how to 'pull' that from GitHub to setup in my docker container. how to get that info to docker specifically how do I get it to run in docker when I have the docker container running for pluto already


To pull the latest image version

docker pull

You would also need to stop and remove the existing container and then recreate a new container off of the image that was just pulled

It worked!!!!! I copied the first line:docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLUTO_PORT=[your_port_number_here] --name pluto-for-channels
and ran it in the cmd line within docker container!!!
And, my 'Record' button is back!! woohoo
Ok for the existing provider should it be XMLTV-plutotv in the provider?