Pluto for Channels

OK, pulling now. Will reply back if I can actually play a channel :grinning:

Finally. This one works!

The channels are back.
thanks for the quick fix.

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The container is holding on to old stale guide data!

Two symptoms

  1. Increasing counts of airings and skipped (stale) airings
2024/02/23 21:22:16.587896 [DVR] Indexed 12882 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (392 channels over 38h30m0s) + 62 skipped [17s index]
2024/02/23 23:23:09.988965 [DVR] Indexed 24801 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (392 channels over 38h5m0s) + 1069 skipped [33s index]
2024/02/24 01:24:34.684970 [DVR] Indexed 35635 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (391 channels over 40h0m0s) + 2995 skipped [47s index]
2024/02/24 03:26:29.618113 [DVR] Indexed 45602 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (391 channels over 38h30m0s) + 5882 skipped [1m1s index]
2024/02/24 05:28:54.249475 [DVR] Indexed 54592 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (391 channels over 39h0m0s) + 9750 skipped [1m15s index]
2024/02/24 09:54:41.782107 [DVR] Indexed 68332 airings into XMLTV-Plutojg (391 channels over 38h0m0s) + 21724 skipped [1m34s index]
  1. Increasing container memory usage

Here's the oldest airing in the XML guide data. Time corresponds to the first fetch when the container was started.

  <programme channel="545943f1c9f133a519bbac92" start="20240224050000 +0000" stop="20240224064500 +0000">
    <title>Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Wild Wild World of Batwoman</title>

Thanks, forgot to purge old data and just piling on...
will correct that

@joagomez Is PLUTO_CODE=all correct to explicitly set it to "all available"

Edit: Never mind, I see it now in the docs -- temporary brain freeze.

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I saw the documentation, but there's also supposed to be an "all" option. Usually something like that can be set explicitly, rather than only in the absence of other settings.

Where did you see that?

Looking at it again though, maybe it's a comma separated list that includes everything shown in the doc, as opposed to something like "all":


Or some subset of the above? Not sure why you'd want all of them, but maybe one region and local?

Doh, I see it now, it's a comma separated list shown right in the default box in the docs.

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You can tell you pulled :latest :1.06 commit 8b612ce
When you see this

Because v1.04 Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024 is hard coded in the included

          <section class="section">\
            <div class="container">\
              <h1 class="title">\
                {provider.capitalize()} Playlist\
                <span class="tag">v1.04</span>\
              <p class="subtitle">\
                Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024\

Well now β€˜all’ option would be way too logical
Of course I made all as default as that’s the way I did it initially

shhh - quit finding my mistakes! :slightly_smiling_face:
No seriously though appreciate all the feedback and that folks are actually using what I put out there


I was beginning to think I was the only one using it.


Does the Pluto for Channels have the additional URL parameter for the gracenote=include/exclude or is that just available on the Plex and Tubi for Channels dockers?

Not at this point

I don't think it would do any good, since the EPG comes from Pluto and none (if any) of their channels have a gracenote station id.


Gracenote does have accurate listings for many of the channels that originate from linear streams, including the Nickelodeon Pluto and CBS News channels, but not the self programmed "stitched" channels that are created via VOD clips like MTV Pluto, BET Pluto or No Parents Allowed. Gracenote does have placeholder entries for some of those "stitched" channels, but the listings are just generic blocks of the channel's name.

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Trying to build a custom channel for local WeatherNation on Pluto. I can browse and create a channel but it needs text characters entered. F to go to fullscreeen and M to unmute audio. I can create the channel in Channels but can't eliminate the guide on the bottom of the screen. It doesn't seem the Orlando WeatherNation is on any of the Pluto sources. Below is the working stream.

"WeatherNation Orlando on Pluto TV"](WeatherNation Orlando on Pluto TV)

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