Pluto for Channels

Docker basics.
You can't run two docker containers using the same container name. You need to rename one.
Same as you can't run two docker containers using the same host port. You need to change one.

Then use a different container name for the new one you're trying to create,
like pluto-for-channels-jg

thanks, got it working now, after I stopped the maddox docker, and started the jgomez. I was able to get the page with all of the different country playlists. The original maddox source that I've had for a couple years still works as well - my guess is maybe that source info pulls from the jgomez docker as well?

How did you manage to get both the maddox and jgomez containers to run at the same time using the same container name?
If the maddox container is stopped, you'll run out of guide data on your custom M3U channel source that uses it.

I think I spoke too soon, I did a restart of my computer, and the maddox docker and channels from that source were no longer there.

But one thing I noticed is the jgomez docker didn't start automatically after my computer restarted - has anyone else experienced this? I thought it was set to automatically restart. The maddox docker always restarted automatically with no issue.

I was able to get everything working and container restarts. But noticed this morning that the guide information didn’t update. I have it set to refresh every hour. I had to manually refresh the guide and it updated. Is there a reason why this wouldn’t happen automatically?

Is there an option to combine playlists of different countries into one?

There doesn't seem to be any option to do it directly in Docker but @joagomez is the best person to confirm it.

As a workaround, you can create a channel collection.

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But it wouldn't work if you could. Channels DVR limits the channels per custom m3u playlist to 750.

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I'm using another iptv app which doesn't have this limitation.
Mat's docker for Samsung TV Plus creates unified playlist which I prefer.
These Pluto playlists are useless for me as they are.

I'm genuinely curious why that is. How would you use the playlist?

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Just by entering single m3u link in my iptv app.
Now I would have to enter 4 or 5 different m3u links and then I would need to go back in the iptv app, choose another list, enter it etc. which is a hassle. I really think there should be one unified list in addition to the separate ones.

I'm not sure Channels DVR is necessarily positioned to be part of the "iptv app" space. Maybe something like Kodi?

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This is the "Channels" Community forum, not "iptv app" Community forum.
Try m3u4u.
Or bring it up to him at his github GitHub - jgomez177/pluto-for-channels


I'm playing with adding an ALL option which would merge all the regions added (which btw is up to around 963 for US, CA, UK and FR when all are included).

I suppose you could have two dockers running - one for the US and CA and one for UK and FR to stay under the 750 limitation.

Regardless gonna let this bake a bit more to make sure the EPG is working properly before releasing

You're still going to have the individual country playlists so Channels users can continue using it the same way, right.

If someone wants to use it for more than one country now, they just create multiple custom m3u sources, one for each country playlist.

Or are you saying the only playlist we'll get is the combined 963 channel playlist. If so, that won't work with Channels 750 channel limit per playlist.

Oh yes, please, @joagomez, don't change this. :pray:


Correct, the ALL will just be an option in the main listing (pay no attention to the version and date will update that later)

I was saying that if you wanted to go down to only say two playlists then you could have a docker that had for example US_WEST, LOCAL, US_EAST, CA, and a second docker that had UK and FR
then by using the ALL option for each docker you would effectively have two playlists under the 750 limit instead of all 6 with duplicates in the US

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Got it. So ALL just combines the countries you selected for that container.

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Unfortunately the “CNN Headlines” channel is no longer working via these dockers.