Pluto for Channels

I'm trying to get American, Canadian and UK channels by running this command but I get an error:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk PLUTO_PORT=8184 --name pluto-for-channels

The error I get is this:

docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase.
See 'docker run --help'.

When I remove PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk the error disappears and I get the lists.

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All environment variables need to be preceeded by -e and you're missing it for PLUTO_PORT
Try this

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk -e PLUTO_PORT=8184 --name pluto-for-channels
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Thank you. That fixed it. The only remaining thing is how to get ALL list? I tried adding 'all' at the end of PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk but then I get invalid country code in the list page.

ALL is just an option for the playlist and epg urls found here

You just use one of the ALL urls

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I don't have ALL url.
Mine is still running the previous version v1.14 :confused:
Even after stopping and removing the previous container.

See his post from two days ago

Looks like he released v1.15 yesterday
Pulled that and it works for me

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Got it to appear finally by removing the docker image with sudo docker rmi... and starting it again.

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Will look into this

Same source?

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What’s playing there is different from what’s playing right now on the “CNN Headlines” channel directly in the Pluto TV app.

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Guess if you really wanted it in Channels DVR you could use this
I realize not all providers have the same EPG for the same FAST channel and the airings may be delayed or totally made up vs. the actual network FAST stream.

Code has been updated to work for CNN Headlines.
And sorry for the delay on this one. I didn't see the other thread so didn't know it was an issue (since I obviously never watch that channel)


Sorry for the noob question but how to update this docker in the easiest way possible? Stop it, remove it and then start it again or is there an easier way?

Installing the Portainer WebUI, and deploying Watchtower, is the easiest way to manage your Docker deployments. It makes it much more straightforward to visualize, and update your containers:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer \
    --restart=always \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v portainer_data:/data \

So, I been using the maddox Pluto container for a bit now. And the nocords urls on secondary server.

The joagomez container, seen some recent posts of updates to it.
There is a post a bit back that sates some channels are missing or duplicated between the 2,

Wondering what container is superior on the backend if that is a thing.
maddox container it self not been updated in years, but joagomez changelog mentions optimizations etc.

I do not need to specify what region or use multiple regions. USA is default on both right?

Looking for opinions/input.

Considering moving/re-installing my secondary server to different hardware, and thus looking at if i should just stick with maddox container, or try the joagomez one, or just use the nocords url (which is powered by maddox container??)

I've had the Maddox docker running for over a year and no issues on my side. I can't say if I am missing out on other features with another Docker solution, but for me, so long as "it just works", I'm good.

well, both the nocords and maddox docker fluctuate. Each adding or removing channels. they supposed to be running off the same code?

At present, nocords lists 429 channels, and maddox docker 426. Each has fluctuated by a few here and there every few days or so.

I plan to setup the joagomez container on my test setup, to compare.

I just setup the joagomez container, on my test system, and it exposes all the various regions into separate urls. Though, there are 3 versions of each. I assume the "maddox compatibility" url is the one to use for Channels?

The ALL maxes out a 750 channels i think it was, so many that it heavily lagged the web browser tyring to load the guide for it.

I did have a quick look at the other regions playlists. I notice that some have more channels.

Like CA has 6 South Park specific channels, a dedicated Star Trek TOS and TNG channels, Nicktoons, Comedy Central Standup, Arthur, and a few other specific channels that are not in any of the US playlists.
UK, also has a few extra ones.
Both have many of the same named channels, though most are airing different episodes or programs than the USA version.
The UK and CA both have Arthur channel, but each is airing different episodes.

So, i guess, if one wanted to add a some more content to their TV options, u could add the extra regions playlist/s as a additional custom channel source. Either some different channels, or the same, but just have different episodes on...gotta watch out for channel numbers though.

Edit: Seems the 2 extra Star Trek channels, just repeat the same dozen or so episodes, all the time. Weird.

What i can't figure out, is what is this containers equivalent to default US region output of the maddox or nocords solutions? This container has both US East, and US West, and Local.


No, different approaches against different Pluto API components, hence why different results.

All of them are compatible with Channels. The "Maddox compatibility" is for switching the sources in place and not losing your favorite/hide and Channels collection settings:


I believe it is "US East", but it doesn't matter. Do whatever is your locale; the stations will be the same no matter which one you pick, only the times in the guide will be different. I used "Local" when I did the in-place swap-out.

the maddox and nocords would be local based on where the container is hosted.

The locales added is based on an X-Forwarded-for tag where the geolocations are:

US East = Charlotte, NC
US West = Los Angeles, CA
UK = London, England
CA = Toronto, Ontario
FR = Pessac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The changes are as @babsonnexus noted the API calls are different, plus JWT support those channels that use JWT (such as CNN Headlines)