Pluto for Channels

You can invest pretty minimal $$$ to setup something to run this. Any old Mac or Windows computer or Rasberry Pi. You just have to decide if the value of getting all of Plutos content into your Channels environment is worth the cost. I'm running everything on an old 2012 Mac Mini, which are pretty cheap used.

I have the Pluto image and Homebridge both running off a $10 always on Rasberry Pi on WiFi. No issues. You will need a power adapter and 8gb Micro SD card if you don’t have those lying around but that’s it.


Hmm wonder if I can do with Hoobs. I have used the Hoobs image on a Pi

The update every 3 hours setting doesn't seem to work for stirr. I have to manually update data. Are you or anyone else running into that problem?

You can invest pretty minimal $$$ to setup something to run this. Any old Mac or Windows computer or Rasberry Pi. You just have to decide if the value of getting all of Plutos content into your Channels environment is worth the cost. I'm running everything on an old 2012 Mac Mini, which are pretty cheap used.

Are you using a shared or dedicated xml file? I think a shared one of those can also cause problems...

How do I add a dedicated xml file for stirr? Is that what you are using and the guide is working and updating perfectly for you?

Since there is no docker solution for Stirr like there is for PlutoTV, I gave up on stirr and removed it. You would have to find some kind of online service to create a unique guide xml for you, or create your own solution, I think.

That is what I thought. Thanks. Once I set up docker for Pluto, I did the same with Stirr. I haven't really taken the time yet to see what I am missing with Stirr...

Perhaps someone could help me with this current project?

I got Docker running on Shield Pro with Alpine Term, but I'm docker stupid. It's hard to find info about this specific use case, but I suspect it's just because I'm a docker idiot.

I get this error when trying to add the container:

Any ideas?

EDIT - I haven't even gotten the container to the Shield's filesystem, and it seems maybe docker isnt running? I'm not sure but I think this will work for the PlutoTV container on Shield Pro if anyone would like to help.

Its running, now to figure out what to do next.

Well hot damn

Interesting. Does the container actually run? Not sure if Android has the necessary stuff to run containers..

I think I'm about to see


I think it's running properly by this error message when trying to run it again.

But I can't access the status page at http://x.x.x.x:8080 either by using the localhost or ip on the shield, and not from another machine with the ip either. Adding it as a source also yields no channels, so maybe it's running but not properly. Do I need to mess with ports on my router?

No the router settings won't affect in-home access.

Does docker ps show the container is running?

I have switched to working on this with my phone since it will be easier for me, and my gf wants to watch the TV.

It does appear to be running, with improper ip info.

For anyone wanting to mess around with Docker on Android, here is Alpine Term means all ip's on the box will listen on that port.

I'm not sure what to do then, it's still running, but doesn't produce anything, so idk. I got it to run, that's what I was trying to do. It just doesn't work for some reason lol would only work on the shield directly.