Pluto for Channels

My Pluto setup stopped working out of the blue.
I tried removing the old docker image and setting up new, and Channels DVR still reports zero channels when point to http://docker.local:49154/playlist.m3u

If I navigate to that site, I can see the data populated in the .m3u.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I switched to IP and that works, although I swear it had been working using the hostname. shrug

How does the pluto-for-channels project handle new Pluto channels? I have the Docker setup running, but channels Pluto recently added aren't on there...


Maybe try reloading the M3U? They showed up for me the day they added them.


I can't get the new channels to show up in the guide either.

I'm using the latest Docker version 1.1.0 (actually been using the Docker since the beginning). In the web guide, many of the lighter icons are unreadable. Is this just something that can't be fixed? Perhaps a way to darken the background to make them stand out more. This is on Pre-Release 2021.02.20.2101, although its been on all prior versions as well.

Are there plans to support PlutoTV channels for less technical users that is less fiddly to get set up?

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Doubtful. The developers have stated they have no intention to directly support PlutoTV and similar streaming services as first-class sources.

Instead, they have made their support and integration possible through a more inclusive means with Custom Channels, allowing for any random stream to become a first-class citizen in Channels.

However, if they were to directly support Pluto (or other/similar services), they could end up spending all their time fielding support issues for things that may not be under their control. (Look at the constant whack-a-mole that they go through with TV Everywhere support.)

I didn't actually try this Pluto integration until today, because I never thought I would watch Pluto channels. But I thought I would just give it a try. I am a technical user, but this was dead simple to setup. I literally added jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels and copy-pasted the docker run command that Maddox posted. Added m3u and epg in channels sources. It just works. It is surprising the amount of extra content this adds, all with guide data.

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Yes, I agree with you on all points. And I am watching quite a bit of Pluto now and never did before I had the convenience of Channels.


I'm pretty sure the Docker container just gets the logos from Pluto, and there aren't colored logos available for those channels.

You could darken the logos manually with an image editor and manually modify the M3U. Not sure if it's worth it to you since this is only a big problem in the web UI, not the client apps.

I'm fairly technical myself and none of what you wrote was dead simple.

What does this mean? Where did you add?

Where did you copy it from and where do you paste? Don't you need to install Docker first?

I guess I don't have the mental bandwidth right now to figure this out. The thing I like about Channels is it is top-notch when it comes to UI/UX. (I quit TiVo for it.). Adding Pluto is anything but easy for the average user and the devs should either make it truly dead simple to add or move on.

I also now realize that asking Channels to do too much is the way things can get bloated so I'm fine using the separate Pluto TV app. I'd rather Channels stick to doing what it does well.

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@djcastaldo is referring to following along here:


They have made M3U suppot available as beta, and one of the developers built a little more robust example of what could be done with it. I don't think they have ever said that Pluto was a fully supported, easy to install, robust part of the product. You can add the non-Docker approach which is dead simple. The Docker approach is really not hard, but I get the challenge to wrap your head around what its doing and/or troubleshoot it if it doesn't work first try. I'd never touched Docker before and was able to get it up and running in about 10-15 minutes. I didn't try to wrap my head around what its doing, I just followed the steps, which are:

  1. Setup the Docker environment on your preferred platform - for me was Mac... and it involved an OS update to my 2012 Mac to support Docker.
  2. Run the Docker command that was provided in Docker.
  3. Add the source to Channels DVR.

You need a url in there and figuring that out was the most difficult for me. The challenge with fully supporting something like this would be to have documentation to support all the myriad of environments and version of Docker people might chose, etc. So it is what it is... an "example" of how to use M3U beta support to do Pluto.

In my docker. I just searched for jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels and added it to my containers.

copied pasted
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels
in the shell.

Yes. You also need to have a computer/NAS. With an operating system. And you need electricity for it. And a connection to internet.

Curious as to if the pluto-for-channels automatically identifies when new or limited release stream come out ..speaking specifically as to getting the email from Pluto about the Paramount+ Picks (CH 126) or if an update will be coming

Isn’t there an option to refresh xml when setting up the guide data? I set mine that way and is works for me. I am using a pre-release version of the server.

I believe if you set the M3U playlist to refresh daily it will pick up channel additions/changes.

Is this the same way you add pluto to channels or is there a updated way?

Anyone else notice the new "Paramount+ Picks" channel show up in Channels and then go away? I've dropped and re-added Pluto as a source but still don't see it. I'm showing 295 channels total.

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