Pluto for Channels

The link directly above your post will work for Pluto. Click the "folder back icon" at the very top of the link to see the Pluto portion then add the m3u as a file and not a URL. I use docker for Pluto but for Stirr, I set it up like I mentioned because there is no docker option sadly.

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Yes. The Docker container is just to make it easy as a self-contained image. You can achieve the same thing by running it through Node.js directly.

"same thing" is a reach from my experience. Docker is a MUCH better option...

Both will give you a small web server offering the requisite playlist and guide data; I consider that the same thing.

We'll agree to disagree there. Docker is a bloated and insecure implementation of OCI containers. There are other/better options for using the same OCI containers that don't involve Docker.

Enlighten me on other options to get an equal experience to the docker implementation. Docker doesn't feel bloated on my Win 10 mini PC, but I am certainly not attached to it.

Docker on Windows requires WSL2 running through a Hyper-V instance, IIRC. I'm not sure if there are native OCI implementations on Windows, as I don't have any Windows computers.

Thanks for the help!!! :+1:t3:

I used the link above to the us.m3u8 file for Pluto. Iā€™ve got it added to my DVR, and the channels are showing up in my Channels guide!

However, there doesnā€™t appear to be any episode information? Iā€™m unable to set the DVR to record anything as there is no option to do so when I click on a Pluto channel within the Channels guide.

I added Stirr in the same manner and itā€™s the same way. No option to record on it either?

Also, every channel Iā€™ve tried in Pluto will play for approx. 15 seconds and then freeze. I can leave the channel and go back to it, but again, only 15 or so seconds and then it freezes. Occasionally it Iā€™ll come up with a ā€œconnection lostā€ ā€œ!ā€ error.

The Stirr channels do no seem to freeze.

Any ideas about the lack of being able to record or the Pluto channels freezing?

Using pluto with out using the docker solution just doesn't work well. That's why the docker solution was created.


I agree! Tell that to @racameron:)

Did you add : for the xml guide data?

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My problem is not with the container; the pluto-for-channels image is great. However, this is a standard OCI image. It can be used with any software that adheres to the Open Container spec.

What I was saying is that Docker itself is the bloated and less-than-secure software.

(BTW, I do have an image running @maddox's Pluto image ... I just don't have Docker installed on any system that I use.)

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How would I add that? Under Source> M3U Playlist > Guide Data > Set Provider ...oh...I see it now! I totally ignored the first pop-up since it as for a USA ZIP code. I added the XML file for both Pluto and Stirr and now Iā€™m getting what I was missing.
THANKS so much for the hand-holding to help me get this set up!!

Glad you got it going! You will have to manually re-download the guide data on a regular basis pretty often. I can't get it to automatically do it even with the setting to do so.

Yes, I've noticed it's not keeping the guide data updated as it should. Sigh. Is this something that Docker solves?
I've got a more capable hand-me-down iMac that might be enough of a machine to be able to run Docker -- it's just that I had other plans for that machine rather than updating my Channels/Plex machine.

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Docker is much better in every aspect but I still have to manually re-download the guide data regularly, even with the auto setting on.

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I use Docker on Windows. Been using it for around 2+ months(ish). So far I have seen a rare occasion where the guide data would run out - probably twice - I have it set to 3 hour updates. So I am pretty happy with it overall.

Maybe I have something set up wrong. What exactly are you putting in the "change provider" setting?

I use the following in settings:
custom URL
3 Hours

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I installed the Pluto docker on my dedicated RPi4 Channels DVR. When I reboot my RPi4 the Pluto docket wonā€™t start until I run docker ps. I tried using systemctl enable docker but I received the following error:

Failed to enable unit: File /etc/systemd/system/ Read-only file system

Does anyone have the Pluto docker running on a RPi4 that restarts automatically after a reboot?

Yes, I have that exact config and the Docker container for Pluto restarts any time the Pi is restarted.