PREVIEW: Library Collections and Virtual Channels (v2021.07.16.2141)

I'm on the Android Beta.

Android still needs a bit of work with virtual channels.

Yes if my memory is correct somebody else reported this on a different thread.

How do I favourite a virtual channel (server side)

Best way is to use Channel Collections.

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When I try to watch the virtual channel I made, I get this:

"got http response code 503"

Am I doing something wrong?

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Anyone tested when a show is added to virtual channels, whether new episodes added to that particular show automatically show up in the channel ?

Just installed the pre-release (2021.07.23.1501).
There are a lot of posts here, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned.
My first Movie collection were my Back To The Future movies. I have several copies of this, but they are in 1-2-3,1-2-3, etc. as I can see you can put them in "order'.
I added this as a Virtual channel, but they are not showing up in any particular order, shouldn't they follow the order in the collection and just "repeat" that sequence ad infinitum?

What client and version of the app are you using? Only the very latest version of some clients support it so far.

Yep, shoulda read the thread. This has been asked and answered multiple times. Sorting options will come soon.

Yes. I am recording a bunch of stuff and can confirm that new episodes show up on the channel schedule.

Thanks. I realized I hadn't switched to Beta on Apple TV yet. Face palm. Working great now!

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New problem: the virtual channel is not showing up on Apple TV at all now, and it only shows up on the guide on my server, with no ability to view. Any ideas here?

I stand corrected, the problem is a bug in Android APK 3.5.2 and is only resolved by downgrading to 3.5.1.

Is it possible to hide a library collections? I am creating library collections as a means to populate my virtual channels but don’t necessarily want the collections to be visible in the collections section.

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It’s probably best to just add them directly to the virtual channel in that case.

I know what you are saying. I wish there was a way that I could hide shows all together from the library and the only visual reference for them are the virtual channels. I like to keep the DVR Library fairly clean and its a bit cluttered with all those series im not going to "watch" directly from library on a regular basis, but enjoy having them in virtual channels. small price to pay though at the end of the day :slight_smile:

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If you turn off enhanced library, the collections will not show up in your library — at least on Apple TV.

Is there a way to add individual episodes to a collection that in turn could be used to populate the channel? I’m thinking seasonal channels with individual seasonal TV episodes.

My virtual channels don’t seem to loop content, they run out of content after a day or so