Profiles and sharing

Any chance we will have profiles and the ability to share TV with friends and family?

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No. Channels is a personal DVR for your home and for your family.


You can quasi do this anyway within your household (especially if they are using separate devices). With Channels Collections you can create the custom list of stations that user wants to see. With Library Collections, you can create collections that just have their content. While at the moment you cannot filter to only have certain Library Collections on devices like you can with Channels Collections, it is not too crazy (and maybe the feature will be added later).

Then, with Server Side Settings, you can determine what is available on each device and what each one looks like.


Appreciate the suggestions.

I need remote sharing with user profiles.

Profiles would still be something in a home setting, especially for those with family and kids.
All modern streaming apps supports profiles and currently in Channels having to specify restrictions on devices(client) is very clunky and inefficient.
Unless I missing something super obvious?

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There is a kids mode

Check out:

Yes I’ve seen all those options and they are great but they rely on settings being applied on the client manually or through the server client settings.
That’s extremely inefficient if we share devices, which we do.