Program images are missing and create library management problem

It turns out that missing program images are not just an aesthetic issue. (My previous thread on this On now thumbnails broken. I'm opening a new thread, because this is a new problem.)
In the web-interface of the DVR, it creates a problem with the library management.

As you can see in the screenshot below, program images are missing in the library.
Because you are supposed to select a TV show by clicking the program image, I cannot select any of these TV shows. It's impossible to manage these shows from the web interface.

In the iOS app, the program images show and can be clicked in the "Library" tab. Even in the iOS app, however, program images are still missing in the "On Now" tab.

Where do I begin to troubleshoot?

pi-hole, dns filter, ad blocker?
I had a problem in the DVR web UI where certain images with filenames ending in ad.png were blocked by uBlock Origin Easy List (browser extension)

I don't think that's it, because this problem arose all of a sudden when there has been no significant change in its settings.
BTW, I had to change my OP, because even in the iOS app, program images are still missing in the "On Now" tab.
That implies that it's a server-side issue, not a client-side one.

Right click the broken image and copy url, what does it show?

Paste the url into a new browser tab, what does it show?

It's something like this:

When it's pasted into a new browser tab, it triggers an HTTP error 502.

Please submit diagnostics

It turns out that it was the McAfee Home Network Protection that was blocking certain traffic going to the Synology server.
Unbeknownst to me, my wife had turned it on from her phone.
The "" was a clue under the Troubleshooting section of the server page was a big clue.

Please submit diagnostics from the DVR so we can see what happened and how to deal with it better in the future.

I just did.
submission code: 4a1e0a5e-0048-4773-89a9-85c545bb4593 .
Thanks for looking into this.

This has been fixed so you can still click into shows even if the image isn't loading.