Project One-Click: All-in-One Installations of Docker Extensions and CDVR Custom Channels

Did you change this line if you use more tha 2 tuners?

Set to 1 and #'s where needed

If you're only using 1 tuner, try these in the environment variables, defining only TUNER1_IP and making the rest blank


I'll try later, but I'm RTFM'ing here:

Blanks did work - thanks!

I think that I may have come across a bug in the "Create a VLC-Bridge-PBS Stack in Portainer + CDVR Custom Channels" routine. When running the script, I receive the following error which seems to indicate that it is looking for the M3U playlist under a "tubi" subdirectory , rather than the "pbs" subdirectory:

{"error":"invalid source url: failed to retrieve m3u: GET: 500 Internal Server Error"}

Looks like the file config/ is the culprit

customChannels() {
cat <<EOF
  "name": "PBS",
  "type": "HLS",
  "source": "URL",
  "url": "http://$extensionURL/tubi/playlist.m3u?gracenote=include",
  "text": "",
  "refresh": "24",
  "limit": "",
  "satip": "",
  "numbering": "$cdvrIgnoreM3UNumbers",
  "start_number": "$cdvrStartingChannel",
  "logos": "",
  "xmltv_url": "",
  "xmltv_refresh": "3600"

It should look like this (type must also be MPEG-TS)

customChannels() {
cat <<EOF
  "name": "PBS",
  "type": "MPEG-TS",
  "source": "URL",
  "url": "http://$extensionURL/pbs/playlist.m3u",
  "text": "",
  "refresh": "24",
  "limit": "",
  "satip": "",
  "numbering": "$cdvrIgnoreM3UNumbers",
  "start_number": "$cdvrStartingChannel",
  "logos": "",
  "xmltv_url": "",
  "xmltv_refresh": "3600"

That makes sense to me. Is there something I can do to fix it?


The container should be up-and-running, but given my copy-and-paste fail :frowning:, you'll want to manually add the source to CDVR:

Change "htpc6" to the IP or hostname of your docker host:

Thanks for reporting the bug, I'll fix it in the next build.

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Yup, I did see that the container was good and had added the source successfully earlier. Am I correct that there is no guide data for these PBS channels?

Correct, You either have to map it to the correct callsign in Channels DVR

or create a text m3u playlist that includes the gracenote station id

callSign KOCEDT is stationId 34544

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Got it. Thanks! :smiley:

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Fixed in :latest (:2024.05.01).

Great! I'll remove the PBS source, stack/container, update Olivetin and run the PBS One-click fresh today.

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After re-pulling and updating the olivetin stack, I see
Screenshot 2024-05-01 1.54.02 PM
rather than OliveTin-for-Channels 2024.05.01 as I had expected.

However, deploying the PBS VLC Bridge Oneclick routine went flawlessly. PBS container running, source automatically added to Channels DVR server.


Right on, good catch. I'm building a new version now -- but this is the only change, everything else is the same as the build you're using. Update when you have a chance, but no need to redo your vlc-bridge-pbs test. Thanks for testing and reporting errors, it's a big help.

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I'm a retired engineer looking to keep my mind active. So, I'm happy to help. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need me to test anything.


Hello again! I have installed the Samsung TV Plus source using project One-Click. In reviewing the channels I find several which are included in the guide, but are not viewable or recordable.
From what I understand in my conversation with @eric , these channels are DRM encrypted.
The M3U pulled by the docker is maintained by @matthuisman.
I checked Matt's current M3U,, and it does not include the encrypted channels.
I'm wondering if the One-Click Samsung TV plus docker is pulling the most recently updated M3U.

Is it possible that you already had an older container image pulled in Portainer? If so, that image would be used and not the "latest" which is from 15 days ago.

I'd suggest using Project One-Click to install Watchtower, and see if the Samsung-TVPlus container gets updated. From then on, you can run Watchtower (which will exit after every update search in RUN_ONCE mode) whenever you want to see if any of your running containers have updates.

Containers that have been updated will show the current date in the Created column.

I had removed my previous Samsung TV Plus source, container and stack. Subsequently re-installed by One-Click yesterday. For some reason I was still getting the old channel list.

I had watchtower installed from a while back, which ran once when I put it on there. I wasn't sure what to do with it after that.

Just ran watchtower... SWEET! It updated several things, including Samsung, Plex, Frndly, and even updated Olivetin and Portainer.

Man, I've been doing things the hard way... I'm glad to know that I can still learn new tricks.

Samsung TV channel count dropped from 358 to 341.