Provider - DirecTV Stream

Is this ONLY for Direct TV members who have service with them? I can't seem to find a way to see price or sign up independently? Thought i saw an article saying u did not have to have sat service with them, but maybe i am confusing this with some other streaming service.
I just keep getting re-directed to a page that is to sign u for their packages for tv service, not streaming only. And starts at $75 a month. Yikes. (and Nat Geo Wild only in Ultimate, which is $109. nevermind then)

That site i often very out of date, as i found out the last time i was trying various streaming services. (They also almost always recommend Sling Tv, which users here know is the worst for TVE)

Hi. Anyone else having issues with directv stream? I noticed that my NESN network went down today followed by other channels. Some channels I was able to access because I also have youtubetv on my account. I rescanned directv and lost most of those channels. I am wondering if it’s a directv issue because I also couldn’t log in to my app. Any help is appreciated. Currently rescanning again but will try and send log diagnostics tomorrow.

Getting this on login today:

authn: POST: 401: "Data not found"

Seems this may be widespread as other channel-specific ones broken.

00d2258a-dbbb-42b3-b89f-41f38929005f submitted

I'm trying to add my DirecTV Stream account to TV Everywhere and I keep getting this error. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I was able to sign in to DirecTV Stream on my computer without any issues, but I'm getting this error every time I try adding it as a source.

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I actually found a resolution to this if anyone else is having this problem. I had to update to the latest pre-release version of Channels and that worked!

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I had the same problem with scheduled recordings failing for TCM via DirecTV Stream. After using your fix, I can watch live. I will update this post if my scheduled recording for this afternoon doesn't work.

I'm also having problems logging in to DirecTV Stream. I updated to the latest pre-release (currently 2024.07.31.1909) but unfortunately that didn't fix it. Any other suggestions? I'm sure the login is correct, because I'm able to sign in to DirecTV Stream directly. But I'm unable to add it as a source in Channels.

No issues here on Directv Stream. What error are you getting?

I'm getting the same exact error shown here: Provider - DirecTV Stream - #110 by fenwyk

That's a DTV Stream issue, not a Channels issue. Since you already dl'd the pre-release, try this:

  1. Restart your server
  2. open your source and select '"manage lineup". Select the scan button on the right (not the ones on the top)
    3). Select an individual channel and rescan only that channel. You may have to rescan several time till it works.
    Hopefully that will work for you.

I'm having the same problem as fenwyk -- with essentially all the channels I care about :frowning:

I've tried all the solutions suggested above, but no luck. Any help appreciated -- thanks in advance!

The channels are back! It may have been an internet issue that for some reason affected only the particular device on which CDVR runs. Sorry for the false alarm!


This started for me over the weekend. Updating to the latest beta, rescanned channels, and just tried to load LiveTV on half a dozen channels, and suddenly, pop, they were all back. Now for the weird thing, my Mac based server running on Comcast had the problem. My QNAP server running on Ziply, no problems. I realize there are too many variables there to diagnose, but DirecTV Stream has been popping this particular error a lot recently.

DIRECTV & DIRECTV STREAM Lose ESPN & Other Disney-Owned Channels | Cord Cutters News

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Disney, DirecTV reach deal to end TV blackout

I'm on day 2 of my free trial of DirecTV Stream. I tried to add it as a TVE source but it failed with a connection error.

2024/10/25 00:24:51.144266 [TVE] Auth starting for ATTOTT as [redacted].com
2024/10/25 00:24:51.419662 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=ATTOTT requestor=nbcentertainment
2024/10/25 00:24:52.340196 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/130.0.6723.70 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@4d304ce63c47778289663b251c8382526640c9a0
2024/10/25 00:24:52.342412 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=130
2024/10/25 00:24:52.342412 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2024/10/25 00:24:52.345132 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2024/10/25 00:24:52.618852 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2024/10/25 00:24:52.650182 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2024/10/25 00:24:52.650182 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2024/10/25 00:24:53.146049 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2024/10/25 00:24:53.191740 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2024/10/25 00:24:53.191740 [TVE] action=authed
2024/10/25 00:24:53.191740 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=auth_finished
2024/10/25 00:24:53.191740 [TVE] action=cookies num_domains=2 num_cookies=5
2024/10/25 00:24:53.194887 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url= ip=[redacted]
2024/10/25 00:24:53.528659 [TVE] Auth failed for ATTOTT: authn: POST: 401: "Data not found"

That's the TVE error screenshot:


I went to Watch the NBC Live Stream - and linking DirecTV Stream doesn't work so it seems to be a problem on their side. When I click on it, it flashes a white screen with an Adobe authentication attempt (I think) and it goes back to the same screen to pick your provider. It doesn't give me a screen to enter my credentials.

Anybody else having trouble linking their DirecTV Stream provider there?

Edit: I tried with Chrome and Edge, cleared the cache, used an incognito/private window. Even in the NBC Android app it behaves the same way.
I just submitted a support ticket to NBC.

Edit #2: I received a generic response from NBC Digital Support Team and they just have a list of troubleshooting steps that I have already done for the most part.
I may try to reply and see how far I can go.

Maybe this is trying to tell me that DirecTV Stream is not for me.

Did you try authenticating at another network website in your browser to see if it's a DirecTV auth issue?