Direct TV: Authn: 401 : Data not found

also, i'm missing recordings left and right now. big brother failed to record twice this week.

Running version 2023.09.02.1926

First I noticed under DVR --> Schedule that many recent attempts to record from DirecTV Stream had resulted in failure messages.

This had happened once before and I had resolved it by removing and re-adding DTV Stream as a TVE source.

Today I once again removed DTV Stream but when I try to re-add now it I get

Diagnostic logs have been sent.

So I was having the same troubles with all of the Discovery Channels not authorizing on TV Everywhere through my Philo account. Went through all the steps above deleting the source, rescanning, deleting the file & rescanning again, turning off VPN etc, but nothing worked.

By accident, I clicked under the Sources, then the # of channels right below Philo in the source list. It brought up a list of TVE channels. I clicked Scan all the way to the right of the TVE Channels in the header and it populated a list showing some with checkmarks and others like the Discovery Channels showing no login form found.

I then clicked on the gear box to the right of each individual channel, then selected Rescan for that channel. It sat there for roughly 30 seconds, then lo and behold a checkmark popped up next to it. I went down the list and did each one individually. Now, all the Discovery channels are working again!

Don't understand why rescanning all the channels together wouldn't authorize them, but doing them 1 at a time did.

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this doesn't really relate to this thread, since we can't even get the source added to scan the channels individually.

@eric any update on this? seems like there was a potential fix that ended up not being a fix, and now radio silence for a month...

Please follow these instructions to collect a .har

and login to instead of NESN

So I was just able to fix my setup where I was previously having issues authenticating with DirecTV Stream and always getting the "authn: 401 : Data not found" error!

After doing a ton of digging and testing on multiple machines I could see that I was not getting valid authentication data sent back after logging in to my DirecTV Stream account. What finally fixed it for me was using a VPN (in my case Private Internet Access) while I was authenticating and then turning the VPN off after it authenticated successfully.

The only thing I can guess is that something on my network was messing with the authentication. I do run a few things like AdGuard Home, Tailscale, and use Cloudflare DNS - although I had tried disabling all of those and still saw issues until I tried using a separate VPN.

I'm not sure if I'll see issues in the future when it tries to re-authenticate or how useful this information is to others, but I at least wanted to share it publicly just in case it helps. For now I'm just happy to have Channels back up and running!

Any third-party entity between you and the authentication server is likely to cause issues.

Before you tried a VPN, did you disable everything redirecting Internet traffic, and reboot everything in the chain of data?

Yup, I'd tried disabling everything and starting over even including running a second test version of Channels DVR server on a separate machine, but could never get consistent results where it worked. That may well have been due to some caching somewhere in the chain or user error on my part though.

But as soon as I tried it through the VPN on that second test version it worked and it was immediately the same on my main server. I'm going to keep an eye on everything, but as long as this works it was the easiest way to fix it for me.

did this ever get resolved?
having exact issue with directv login, and the link to nbc just gives an adobe error so cant try that

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never resolved for me. it's one of the reasons i'm probably nearing the end of my channels sub, sadly.

It appears to be an issue with DIRECTV stream itself , can’t use tve login with it anywhere not even in the apps

was re-reading the thread and noticed frontier mentioned which is my ISP.
I tried connecting to a VPN and then see if i could authenticate on with directvstream and sure enough boom takes me to a login prompt.
Switch back to my ISP and it sends me in circles back to the choose your isp page.
tried phone on cell same thing got right to a login screen.

So i think frontier is doing something on their end stopping me from authenticating with directvstream.

Have you tried using your ISP internet connection, but a different DNS service, like, or

Yup tried a few servers no changes

Is that a typo?
There is no choose your ISP page and if you chose frontier it wouldn't work.
You need to choose your TV Provider, not ISP.

Did you ever submit the har capture to eric?

Yes meant tv provider on the page, but when I said switch back to my isp I mean turn the vpn off and am routing through frontier

Sorry for cross post. Ugh

FWIW - TVE as "DIRECTV" works fine with the same credentials, so it's clearly something with the STREAM connection type

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