Provider - Hulu Live TV

Please update the system chromium if you have one installed.

eh, doesn't want to update. Stuck behind 'oldstable' from what I can see, I'm not a guru on linux but like to think I could play one on TV. I'll research more...

Thanks, all! :slight_smile:

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Had Hulu for years. Had issue that required dropping source. Now it will not authorize.

Double checked password, reset password, but nothing works.
Error claims password is wrong.

Running on Qnap NAS, all troubleshooting checks are green, chrome up to date.

Any other suggestions?

2023/12/21 12:40:43.795766 [TVE] Auth starting for Hulu as
2023/12/21 12:40:44.483485 [TVE] action=cbs_station err=CBS stream is not available via your TV provider
2023/12/21 12:40:44.820651 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Hulu requestor=nbcentertainment
2023/12/21 12:40:45.554876 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/114.0.5735.199 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@581ada08cf738a4eb44f712c6f8cd40030e5c1a0
2023/12/21 12:40:45.559899 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=114
2023/12/21 12:40:45.566640 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2023/12/21 12:40:45.571945 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/12/21 12:40:46.405179 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2023/12/21 12:40:46.406629 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2023/12/21 12:40:46.554443 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2023/12/21 12:40:54.557037 [TVE] action=page_ready
2023/12/21 12:40:54.557418 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2023/12/21 12:40:54.557726 [TVE] action=fill_form
2023/12/21 12:40:54.557715 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=12s
2023/12/21 12:41:06.559366 [TVE] action=check_result
2023/12/21 12:41:06.566472 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="huluLogin wrong password"
2023/12/21 12:41:06.566608 [TVE] action=screenshot
2023/12/21 12:41:06.826434 [TVE] action=screenshot size=39294
2023/12/21 12:41:06.852533 [TVE] action=capture_html
2023/12/21 12:41:06.861412 [TVE] action=capture_html size=93738
2023/12/21 12:41:06.862179 [TVE] action=script_error err=Wrong password. Please update your password and try again.
2023/12/21 12:41:07.141341 [TVE] Auth failed for Hulu: Wrong password. Please update your password and try again.

If your Qnap supports Docker, I suggest trying CDVR on Docker.

Thanks. I also have a Synology. I setup Docker there and tested Hulu and was able to setup source. So I will move the DVR there.

I was about ready to go the Docker route. Could not get YTTV to authorize. Canceled YTTV.
Reactivated my HULU account and was unable to get it to authorize over the last several days.
I gave it one last try this morning and it worked, it sent authorization code and provided entry point in channels to enter it. All good for now.


I'm dropping YTTV and moving over to Fubo TV.
i'm alaready preparing my sources as TVE becomes less of an ooption.
I would rather use different docker solutions and go with other methods.

I am also using Synology with Docker and Hulu...but mine is not working

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Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has current experience with Hulu Live and TVE integration? I am running Channels DVR on Synology NAS. I also am wondering if anyone is pulling Hulu non-TVE stations into Channels DVR by another means, ADBTuner, perhaps?

Hey John,
I'm thinking of switching to Hulu. I see that you got it working with Channels DVR this past December. I'm wondering if it is still working well. Are you using it with TVE, or some other way to get the service into your Channels DVR server?

@jsfullam, ADBTuner will work with Hulu, to get any channel, into Channels. I was using it last year, but had few issues with Hulu/log in and ADBTuner, so I gave up and switched to YTTV. Which worked very, very well with ADBTuner. However, it's baseball season and I'm back on Fubo for regional sports, and using the Fubo TV project. Which works incredibly well.


Hulu tve integration works as well as any other provider. Give it a try it’s not like you can’t cancel it after a month.

My personal experiences over the past couple years have found that to be untrue. I do not have the authentication issues with Spectrum that I had with Hulu previously. The authentication problems are why I left Hulu. If that could be resolved I would seriously consider another Hulu sub.

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My experience is the opposite, I dropped spectrum because they would not keep my subscription up to date with the tve. It would literally say channels were not in my subscription for a week and I would miss recordings. I’m not saying Hulu is perfect because it’s not. All providers have/had issues at some point. TVE integration is in and probably always will be in beta due to a moving target.

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I certainly can't blame you for dropping [insert offending provider here].

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Is Anyone still having issues with Hulu live. I just signed up, but if I try to add it as a source, it says my password is wrong. It's not

Hi Richard,
I signed up for Hulu Live about two weeks ago (April 16). They advertise a free 3 day trial. My card was charged the monthly fee after only a day or so. However, I see that my account does show the monthly renewal date to be after the initial trial period (May 20).
I was able to successfully add it as a TVE source using my previous Disney credentials. So far, no problems to speak of...
Have you tried using your new Hulu credentials on the Hulu website, or their own app?

Have the exact same issue. Been like that going on two weeks. Everything was fine until they merged all the Disney-owned accounts together. Something got screwed up between my Disney Parks and Hulu accounts and now it won't let me log in.

They said the technical team was looking at it, but no resolution at the moment. Call in and do all the troubleshooting steps and they will prorate you.

Where can't you login? I have no issues on the Hulu website, just channels.

The website and the app. I can access ESPN+ and Disney+ just fine though. Just a Hulu thing.

When I had it working, I did have to use a verification code when logging into Channels with it.