Provider - Hulu Live TV

By coincidence, I signed up for Hulu Live on the very day of this announcement from My Disney. (Apr 16) Adding Hulu Live as a TVE source to Channels, it easily accepted my existing Disney account password, and has been working fine since then. At some point later, it did ask me to login to the Hulu app through my home network, so that it could get my location. I suppose so that it could verify appropriate local channels.

Follow up. Took them about two weeks, but my login is working again. However I did switch to Youtube TV in the interim. Might revisit at a later date

Anything I need to know for hulu live my authentication keeps failing.


I see that several beta updates have been released to address this Hulu Live authentication issue. Has it been resolved? If so, what do we as users need to do to get Hulu TVE working again?

Update to the latest Channels DVR Pre-Release version.
Run Support > Troubleshooting from the DVR web admin UI to ensure all green checkmarks.
Follow the latest Topic about the issue.

Sometimes the DVR Pre-Release notes will contain links at the bottom to the topics discussing the problem, like this one

Thanks! I must have missed the link to the new topic in the earlier comment. I'll follow up there.