Provider - Philo

Where are they listed under TVE for Philo? I know some have live streams on Roku, But Channels uses the web Browser.

You can view the TVE for Philo at the link below. Just scroll down on the page to view the chart the includes Philo.

Yes, confusing, but unfortunately that doesn't translate to TVE access for Channels DVR.
Some can only be accessed with an app.

Wish there was another list for "These are the channels you can access using TV Everywhere", but that would make sense and be too easy, so will never happen...

Only way to know for sure is trying to access the live streaming channel from their website while logging in with your provider. And of course since it changes all the time with Providers adding and dropping access to networks, it's hard to keep up with them all (I think by design since the cable providers invented TVE).

Correct, but at the bottom of the page where the link is

What channels are not available?

Local networks like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, PBS are not available via the TV Everywhere feature. You can receive your local stations using a HDHomeRun CONNECT + antenna, or using a HDHomeRun PRIME.

Premium channels like HBO, Showtime, etc are also not available via the TV Everywhere feature.

A&E Network channels (A&E, Lifetime, History, FYI, Viceland) do not support live streaming via TV Everywhere.

Nickelodeon and Nick Jr do not support live streaming via TV Everywhere.

The beIN sports channels are not available

I have made a list of the networks carried by Philo that I am also getting via the TV Everywhere feature. I am able to view these channels through Channels DVR. I have listed them below:

American Heroes Channel
Animal Planet
BBC America
Cheddar Business
Cheddar News
Comedy Central
Cooking Channel
Destination America
Discovery Channel
Discovery Life
Food Network
Game Show Network
Hallmark Channel
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
Investigation Discovery
Motor Trend
Nick Jr.
Paramount Network
Science Channel (SCI)
Sundance TV
Travel Channel

From what I see, Philo carries the additional networks (below) that are "not" available via Channels DVR TVE:

Axis TV
BBC World News
Cleo TV
Discovery Family
Hallmark Drama
Law & Crime
MTV Classic
MTV Live
People TV

Others with Channels DVR (also using Philo), please post if your guide lineup is different from mine.


What is the trick to getting Philo to work with TV Everywhere? When I go into the channels DVR and select "Add Source" and choose "TV Everywhere" philo is not listed.

Also, I am running the channels DVR on a WDMycloud EX2. I also have ShieldTV. Is there a benefit to running DVR on the NAS versus running it on the shield or vice versa?

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It shows up for me:

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Is a Mycloud Ex supported?

Ah...I'm sorry. I scrolled right past "popular" and was looking for it under "all". Stupid mistake. Sorry about that.


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You sure you get Lifetime and Nick Jr on Channels DVR TVE?
Did you try watching them?
I don't even see Lifetime listed in the full channel list and Nick Jr is not supposed to be available with Philo TVE.

My error for listing Lifetime in my list of Channels DVR TVE. I am "not" getting Lifetime in Channels DVR TVE. I have updated my list above. So with the above lists, I am seeing a total of 33 networks in Channels DVR TVE and 25 that are not available in Channels DVR TVE.

But as for the question about Nick Jr., yes, I am getting it in Channels DVR TVE. I just tuned into Nick Jr. a few minutes ago and no problem seeing it. But I have to use the Philo app on my Fire TV stick in order to view Lifetime.

I must say, it is strange though as far as me getting Nick Jr. in Channels DVR TVE since both Nickelodeon and Nicktoons are "not" part of TVE. Who knows how it is decided which channels are included in TVE.

I realize it is up to the providers and networks in regards to whether or not they offer TVE. But I am just curious, can anyone on here say, does there "appear" to be an increasing trend of live stream TVE, decreasing trend of live stream TVE, or just holding steady (i.e. over this past year)? Note: I am referring to live streams here with my question versus on demand services.

Most network providers of your TVE consumed content will say on their TVE live website, that if your provider isn't listed as an auth source, contact them and ask them to add our website.
One could only assume there was demand from Philo subscribers to watch Nick Jr?

Who knows.

Waiting for mine to add Starz (and face turning purple while holding breath) :cold_face: :rofl:

I abandoned the WDMyCloud NAS installation because of limitations with the ARM processor. I was able to get things set up the ShieldTV and sorted out storage issues. Everything was looking good up until I added Philo as a source.

Been stuck on this for about 10 minutes.


I'm considering refreshing the browser and trying it again.

On the SHIELD please update your dvr by click-and-hold the Check for Update button, then reboot the shield before trying again

That worked. Thank you!

Here is what TVE channels available for Philo

Philo has Great DVR service so any networks not available to Channels TVE can be recorded on Philo.

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I just noticed NickJr Chan now on there. Wasn't before. Recent change?
Wonder if the other Nick chans may come to TVE sometime.
Also, would really like to see Discovery Family.

(Philo in of is self has almost all the channels in its app that I care about, save for the Disney ones, The Weather channel, and Nat Geo Wild.)

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Does anyone know if there is a way that Philo users can request TVE service for the Philo channels that are not included in TVE? It may not make any difference, but it's at least worth a try? Fortunately, most of the Philo channels I care about are included in TVE, but not all of them. I'd like to see even more support for TVE service if possible and wondering "how" subscribers can make such a request?

What channels are you looking for? I think Philo has them all covered