Provider - TDS / Continuum-TDS

Please use this thread to discuss experiences and channel availability for TDS / Continuum-TDS.

Select your provider here Channels Support - TV Everywhere Availability to see what channels might be available with Channels DVR TVE

Here are a couple topics from TDS users

This is what I see when I log in at the websites directly.
It just detects that I am on TDS and it works.

I'm thinking this is not what channels expects to happen.

I did some more investigating.

Apparently, Channels is trying to authenticate some channels with Continuum TDS which I do not have.
There seems to be 2 different TDS logins. I just have TDS, not TDS Continuum.
I think Continuum was an acquisition.

Thanks for any help…..

Quite possible they haven't tweaked it for that auto authentication. My Xfinity does that.

Which Provider did you select when you added the TVE source to Channels DVR?
If you chose TDS, it should authenticate you with the TDS login.
If you chose Continuum-TDS, it should authenticate you with the Continuum-TDS login.
Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 08-48-02 Channels Settings
Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 08-47-40 Channels Settings

Copying from a post in the previous linked topics to give links to TDS support pages

Continuum-TDS TV Everywhere

TDS TV Everywhere

Naturally, I selected TDS.
I didn't even know what Continuum was until later.
The channels that don't work display this as the error.


or the display the continuum page stating the password is wrong.

OK, I've helped as much as I can. The developers will have to get involved.
I'm just another paying Channels DVR customer, like you, and I use Xfinity, not TDS.

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

I have been working with the Devs on this.

This is mostly fixed with TDS as a provider.
Some of the channels require me to run the channel scan from behind a VPN to force TDS to provide a login form. There may be a few channels that fail the scan with the VPN active. So scanning individual channels is sometimes required.
TDS typically just autodetects that I am on the TDS Network and does not ask for credentials.

Good news!

Some channels still do not authenticate without using a VPN during the scanning process . I'm planning to cancel TDS shortly. I've been hanging on to help resolve this issue.

Once the Devs have this resolved, or have given up. I'm out.

TDS TV+ is a nice service that is too expensive for what you get. Like most cable offerings.

As far as I am concerned, this issue is resolved.

Everything scanned and authenticated for me except NFL Network, and CBS Sports.
Those two channels authenticated by waiting for a while and then scanning them individually.

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I am now having the same issue - will not authenticate with TDS. Have tried with both the latest stable release and the latest beta. Was working with the stable release back in August. Able to log into TDS and the direct sites (espn, fox, etc) fine with the credentials.

Diagnostics submitted (first is with stable release, 2nd is with beta):

Same issue here. Noticed yesterday that my TDS channels were gone from the guide. Re-scanned at the server and all channels were greyed out. Removed TDS as source and tried to re-add, and get the "can't authenticate provider" error. Can login to TDS, ESPN etc. just fine through browser.

Diagnostics: 78828c02-d40a-4768-8393-941a2f3fc8da

Please try it again with the latest pre-release build. I believe we have fixed it.

With the latest pre-release build, my TDS login is now working properly. Thanks!

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