Are you able to authenticate and stream Live at the TBS websites below?
How about at the NBC Live website ?
Are you able to authenticate and stream Live at the TBS websites below?
How about at the NBC Live website ?
NBC works fine from the Website. Some other sites work from AppleTV etc but still getting the same message trying to re-add the TV Everywhere source. Running Channels on a UnRaid Docker. I tried upgrading to the latest Beta but that did not help.
Channels DVR TVE has nothing to do with other apps like AppleTV, etc.
If you can authenticate using your browser at a Network Live website that your Provider gives you TVE access to using your Provider credentials, but are having issues using Channels DVR TVE authenticating with it, follow the TVE Troubleshooting tips
Sorry, but there are hundreds of posts about this on this forum, and we get tired of repeating ourselves constantly. Channels DVR TVE uses the network live streaming websites, not an app or your provider streaming website. Many providers have issues with their TVE auth servers in providing this service to their users and timeout or give errors when trying to authenticate.
You can also see issues raised by users for CDVR TVE access in this section TV Everywhere - Channels Community of the Community Forum (which isn't an Official Support Forum)
I was able to get it working on an Mac Mini and then pulling it over to the Unraid docker via the M3U URL. So it looks like Xfinity does not like the Linuix browser on Unraid. Is that the best way to get around this problem permanently? I don't want to move everything from Unraid Channels as I like the way it works except for this issue.
Thanks for all your help.
I also find Docker XFINITY TVE unreliable ... I did something similar except I use windows ... I had to run Channels DVR TVE on Windows and feed via M3U to my other DVR. I have totally given up on UBUNTU Server and Docker to host my DVR if I want to use TVE.
New user in Houston, TX. Followed info at the top of the post. Used username, not email. 2FA was not enabled anyway.
Have Local Networks via TV Everywhere checked.
After scan there is no NBC listed for local channel.
ABC, CBS and FOX are found.
Any suggestion on how to get NBC to show up?
I'm sorry but that link doesn't really go anywhere (but up to the middle of this log thread) or state that NBC is no longer available.
I can go here, which is linked to XFinity and stream NBC.
I can go here, logged in with my XFinity username and stream NBC.
Thanks. I had not found the Announcements section of the forums.
Nothing beats the tuning speed of a full channel scan. Is anyone automating this somehow? I'm using ubuntu. Any quick and dirty solutions for a 2am full channel scan?
What do you mean by
I'm guessing here, but read this thread from this post Xfinity Cable provider authentication failed - #12 by Edwin_Perez
Yes, that's what I mean. Whenever I do a full scan, it tunes to the channels faster because they have all been authenticated and doesn't have to do that until it expires. I want them to never expire. The tuning speed is much faster after a full scan as opposed to having to reauthenticate channels I haven't switched to in a while.
It only reauthorizes those channels whose tokens have expired, not all of them.
But I get what you mean.
Getting Remux/Probe Errors on the Free Channels like Comet 6751 and Charge 6752 etc...
@chDVRuser do you have the same problem with these channels ?
2025/01/28 04:15:42.072595 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6751 from (bitrate=2797kbps)
2025/01/28 04:15:52.108884 [ERR] Probe failed for live stream after 10.035744216s and 0 bytes
2025/01/28 04:15:52.629009 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6751-dANY-ip192.168.50.186 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)
2025/01/28 04:15:52.633116 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6751 COMET
2025/01/28 04:15:52.633451 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6751 COMET: buf=0% drop=0%
2025/01/28 04:15:52.633820 [SNR] Streaming statistics for ch6751 COMET: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2025/01/28 04:39:32.352129 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6752 CHARGE
2025/01/28 04:39:32.352283 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6752 from (bitrate=1581kbps)
2025/01/28 04:39:42.385677 [ERR] Probe failed for live stream after 10.032757002s and 0 bytes
2025/01/28 04:39:43.910089 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6752-dANY-ip192.168.50.186: HLS: 901 Tuner Unreachable: Could not tune to ch6752 after 12s
2025/01/28 04:39:43.910350 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6752-dANY-ip192.168.50.186 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)
2025/01/28 04:39:43.913143 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6752 CHARGE
Fixed with current release.
None of these work for me
COMET 6751
CONTV 6753
TBD 6755
Yeah I setup a pass to Capture Without a trace yesterday and it figures Charge would be broken and that is one Channel I cannot get via OTA.
Not working for me either. Sling user.
"COMET 6751
CONTV 6753
TBD 6755"
I wouldn't care as Comet is OTA, but for some reason Channels insists on ignoring my OTA source and using the 6700 channels.
Channels chooses the higher priority source and the higher channel number when recording with a pass.
Universal KIds Removed .... From Cable Providers.
HDHomeRun PRIME 13147C7B: 540 channels (-3)
<--- Lineup changes (starting at 10) --->