Provider - Xfinity

I am running TVE on a Docker ...

Glad it's working for you, but those are all showing unauthorized for me. I'll keep troubleshooting.

Are you using a secondary (viewer) account for Channels?
Do you have 2FA turned off for the Xfinity account you use in Channels?
Are you using just your Xfinity username and not the full email address?

What version is you Channels DVR and what is it installed on?

Submit diagnostics and email support

I am using a secondary account without 2FA, but I just discovered Xfinity locked it after they locked my primary account yesterday during my 2FA learning experience. The secondary account was created after I removed TVE from Channels, but apparently their security lagged enough that it blocked that account too. I'm on the way to unblock the account and re-do my TVE integration. If it still doesn't work after that, I'll submit diagnostics as instructed.

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Ok, unlocking my secondary account and re-adding TVE seems to have opened up some channels, but not all. I'm seeing a lot of "Invalid parameters (-32602)" now. I'll search the forum for that and submit logs to support.

EDIT: Individual rescan of about 30 channels seems to be doing the trick.

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Anyone having trouble watching POP/6096 from xfinity ? I'm having trouble on 2021.08.13.0443 and today's 2021.09.01.0225.

I can view it fine at using the same credentials that Channels is using.

I tried rescanning the channel.

On FireTV I just get playback failed

The web-gui just changes between 'Starting...' and 'Reconnecting...'

the logs repeat:
tag="pop" action="parseMasterPlaylist" url="" status="200 OK" time="92.068116ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=466 time="35.083508ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=466 time="114.385936ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=465 time="60.787762ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=466 time="68.057458ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=466 time="75.272703ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=465 time="77.722636ms" tag="pop" action="fetchMediaPlaylist" url="" status_code=500 status="500 Child Manifest Too Small" content_length=466 time="75.09262ms"

POP TV has hardly ever worked right and I thought it was going to be removed by Channels support.

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Just went from 158 to 137 TVE channels on xfinity. Did anyone else lose channels?

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looks like the latest release completely removed pop tv. release notes didnt mention it. at least not directly.

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Mine has been a steady 173 up through the latest prerelease version 2021.09.21.0359.

What version are you running?

Do any of the missing channels show an error next to them when you select the dropdown Rescan Channels?
Rescan Channels

Thanks - running the latest version.

The issue is actually deeper. I've been on my parents xfinity account and seems like they've had issues with their...everything. So I will be patient and see if they come back on their own.

I only seem to be getting 67 now and thats after a rescan and an update.

So Im using my parents account and made a second account. Everything seems to work fine but why do I get less channels using the Channels app then I do using the Xfinity Stream app on my phone? Seems like the Xfinity app has a lot more TVE channels.

Some channels don’t allow TVE but allow the Xfinity stream device to show them. Different contracts, different providers/creators.

ok thanks, Im not getting all the channels I should be for example Discovery. Im using my user name and have 2FA turned off.

What docker are you using?

I use both Synology and Windows.

You'll find that lots of channels are hit or miss with the initial scan / manual single channel scan, remove / readd the source. It's nothing to do with your account sharing. Xfinity tve + channels DVR requires a bit of routine maintenance, and even then I don't think I've ever seen all the channels work at the same time. Just sucks when one I like is broken. They seem to come and go as they please.

What error does it show for the Discovery channel when you view the Rescan Channels page?