Provider - YouTube TV

Yes, I noticed the same thing. It might be related to Warner Bros/Discovery shutting down the Cartoon Network website.

Cartoon Network Website Shuts Down, Warner Bros. Discovery Kicks Visitors Over to Max

Ya, maybe. It's weird because only certain times of day will TBS be broadcasting and other times of day it will be showing TOON shows correctly.

I have a similar problem with Verizon as the source. From what others have mentioned elsewhere it’s ongoing and it seems to pick up the adult swim feed (evening into overnight) but is showing TBS during the day.

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Yes, it appears that Adult Swim content works as expected but Cartoon Network does not and it displays TBS content during this time. I assume this is a direct result of the WB/Discovery changes to Cartoon Network. Somehow, Adult Swim content is safe for now. I wonder if Channels can somehow only display this channel during the Adult Swim hours? Or switch it from TBS to Adult Swim (and back) somehow? Probably more trouble than it's worth...

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That and it probably won't be around much longer.


Issues with the TOON channel have been ongoing since November. Lots of posts about it.

Thinking about moving over to YTTV from Fios, anyone else have Bloomberg setup? If so how?

bloomberg is available on TVE and on YTTV.
You shouldn't have an issue as long as you are using something like windows.

thanks, I'm using apple tv box, running getchannels on NAS

Synology NAS is known to have issues with properly allowing log in due to the included Chrome browser.
Bloomberg is available on TVE without a subscription.
If you have a log in with Sling, without a subscription, you can use it to add TVE and the free content will validate.
I had to move over to ADB Tuner for YTTV due to channels being dropped and the synology can't validate unless i use the docker version of channels.
Bloomberg is definitly in he clear and free to watch.

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thanks for all the help, I use the docker version of Channels.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: BETA: Chrome Capture for Channels

Hi Richard. Are you saying that the Docker version of Channels works better with YTTV TVE than the native software installation on Synology?
I'm running the native version, and have been having intermittent errors and brief stop/start disconnects indicating 500 server error, 403 forbidden, no login source found, etc... These problems have been with YTTV TVE and also my Frndly container using the 2 source method.
I'm wondering if your experience is that the Docker version of Channels might be more stable. :thinking:

hi there,
Apparently, YTTV does seem to properly validate in the docker version.
If you have it working at all, consider yourself lucky.
Due to networks droppng their apps, i'm focusing on getting YTTV channels through HDMI Encoder and ADBTuner.
I have TVE operating under Philo but don't have channels from TVE in my collections.

I haven't tried through the Docker version of Channels. However, I was able to get YTTV to validate through the native Channels interface. I had to use a second "family" account without 2 factor authentication. It's glitchy sometimes, as I have mentioned.

I'm headed the same direction as you and so many other folks here. I am migrating to my new ADBTuner setup. It seems to be pretty stable. (so far) :crossed_fingers:

After you mentioned your trick for getting TVE authenticated, i went ahead yet again and setup an account just to handle it.
I'm not using it much but figured i would have it operational and working.

Credit goes to @slampman for the trick to get YTTV by TVE up and running without 2FA problems. :smiley:

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I've been a longtime Channels DVR user with an HDHomeRun. I recently dropped my traditional cable service and am trying to use Channels with TVE exclusively, specifically YTTV.

I have a "spare" Google account that does not have 2FA on and used that to login to YTTV both outside of Channels and inside. The scan shows 157 channels with 134 being available. However, Bravo is not on that list inside Channels.

I have gone to and Shows Hub | Bravo TV Official Site in the browser that I access Channels from and linked it to YTTV using the aforementioned spare Google account to login. I can see NBC and Bravo content just fine going directly to their sites.

Troubleshooting is all green except for using Google DNS.

I seem to remember something about NBC going encrypted. Is that why it does not show up within Channels?

NOTE: It is not that the Bravo channel is listed and showing an error like notAuthorized. It simply isnt in the list.

Sorry if this has been asked before... searching in this Community is a bit tricky for me.

Correct. NBC/Universal stations are no longer available to stream in Channels due to encryption. You will need to try a different route using Chrome or android to record the NBC Lineup. It sucks, but not much Channels can do.