You may want to look at the ADBtuner project. This allows using HDMI encoders and streaming sticks to "tune" your YTTB channels and records them in Channels.
Update to the latest version of channels.
The ADBTuner is a good slid solution.
I've got two onn boxes and HDMI encoders and works great.
I am confused about YTTV. I have excellent OTA for local channels. If I subscribe to YTTV, I don't understand TVE process. Will my Channels show the YTTV TVE and how many stations are actually TVE? It seems to be a complicated process to get the TVE with my Channels. I am using a Firestick, and the locals work great. I am currently using Philo, but they have a very limited number of stations. I am thinking of setting up the trial YTTV on a separate computer but could use a little advice.
Thank You
For YouTube you will sign up with your regular email to start service. Create a new gmail account, and link that to your YouTube subscription as a family account with two factor authentication disabled. Donāt enable two factor on that account.
Then add source in the channels dvr like I assume you did with philo. Thatās it.
You can see available tve channels for YouTube here.
Donāt bother with that just use your pi.
Thank you for the info. After reviewing the channels, I don't think I am going to subscribe. A lot of missing channels that I now have through Philo.
@tmm1 I'm trying to setup a docker channels instance to run TVE so that I can try out the streamlink manager playlists. i've never had an issue with YTTV with TVE on a standalone linux machine. For some reason the docker container is giving me an error asking me to verify. I'm on the latest pre-release and no matter what I do I'm stuck with verification wall.
Anything that can be done? I guess I could spin up another traditional machine and use that but docker is so much easier...
Docker on Linux?
Yeah... there is no way to move past this wall unfortunately. If i setup an ubuntu server VM, TVE works without issue.
I assume you are using the tve tag?
docker pull fancybits/channels-dvr:tve
I don't think you could add TVE otherwise.
Can you not use an account name without recovery (2FA) options?
If not, guess you're SOL.
Yeah its the tve image. Problem is that it requores you to click an option. Something specific to docker becasue standalone linux works great
Can you do this?
No recovery phone/email/etc.
I can w/Xfinity, but not familiar w/UTUBE
Yep. Just set up another account as a family member without 2FA and it should work
Its something specific to docker... the acct is a family acct with no 2fa. Works fine for tve access on standalone linux but the same acct will not work on a docker container.
Saw this in the other YTTV thread. Might be an issue with Chromium bundled with Channels? @tmm1 Could this be the cause?
so I just signed up for YTTV and I keep getting this "blocked by Google" error. I have tried EVERY browser. 2FA is off and I have tried multiple google accounts. what am I doing wrong?
also I'm using a synology NAS with docker
What cpu version are you using? I couldn't get the ARM version to work, only X64 version.
INTEL Celeron J4125
Hmm, I thought the J series were ARM processors.