Provider - YouTube TV

I'm trying to add YouTubeTV as a source. I'm getting the same error message as above. I followed the advice of checking, and when I go to add my provider I get a rate limit exceeded error (see below).

What should I do? Do I just need to wait, and if so how long? Thanks!

Authorization Error
Error 403: rate_limit_exceeded

This app has reached its sign-in rate limit for now.

Google limits how quickly an app can get new users. You can try signing in again later, or ask the developer ( to increase this app's sign-in rate limit.

If you are the developer for this app, you can request a sign-in rate limit increase.
Learn more
Request Details
The content in this section has been provided by the app developer. This content has not been reviewed or verified by Google.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
access_type: offline
project_id: nbc-oneapp
response_type: code
state: _8143570dfc4985601a4e738679a37538dedb495e09:Third-party cookies are disabled
prompt: select_account

Wondering if someone can fill me in on the 2 factor issue that led people to try and turn it off. I've been using Channels with YTTV for a long time and recently my Google account went to 2 factor authentication and it requires me to use my iPhone Gmail app to authenticate. Sometimes I'll open Gmail and see one or more 2 factor prompts that have probably expired. I lost a couple of channels, but most still worked. I deleted and added back YTTV as a source and got back the channel in question. I needed to watch my phone and keep hitting any prompts that came up and it seemed to work. I still get these random prompts and I'm sure most I don't respond to before they expire. I lost a channel again so deleted and added YTTV and it came back. Is this the 2 factor issue people are having? Its certainly tolerable, but just annoying. I am not going to turn off 2 factor for Gmail because I don't want it to be less secure. Any tips for dealing with this. I believe there is a way to use a different authenticator with Gmail that can be routed to my Apple Watch, and I'd at least then see the prompts reliably if I'm awake at the time.

Yup that is exactly the issue pda. After they expire it will prompt you to authenticate again. When I had youtube I created a second account and attached is as a family account. This way I could change the 2fa without messing with my original account. There are many threads on this of how to get around it. In the end got tired of dealing with it and just went with Hulu. Currently they are not requiring the 2fa stuff. I am sure at some point they will all turn it on. But for now no authenticating on my phone or losing channels temporary due to it.

Having trouble, tonight with YTTV.
Several channels will just not resolve a picture, and others I get a 403 Forbidden error.
My gmail account does not have 2FA.
The YTTV app works just fine.

Logs submitted: 6b3f7a5f-e2c2-47c0-81c8-1dba039ebbc3

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Nothing, huh?

Well, never-mind, didn't work for 3 days and then started working a few minutes ago.

Has anyone tried Google's App Passwords?

"When you use 2-Step Verification, some less secure apps or devices may be blocked from accessing your Google Account. App Passwords are a way to let the blocked app or device access your Google Account."

It seems like this would solve the problem of needing to bypass 2 factor authentication for YouTubeTV login. When you do this, it creates a complex password that you can use instead of your user created password for a specific application. Curious if anyone has tried this?

It doesn't work. You can try it yourself on

Channels 6010, 6012, 6014, 6016, 6018 and 6020 are all displaying:
Playback Failed unavailable in this location.

I did not check all the other channels, but all I tried did work.

I rescanned the trouble channels and had and still have checkmarks.

I am not running a VPN to change location.

Submitted logs: 210d8691-bf87-43ea-b961-e2e10be9718a

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I live on the west coast and have never received any of those YTTV TVE channels. I do however receive the pacific feeds of each of those channels at 6011, 6013, 6014, 6017, 6019. I have never received TVLAND on either 2020 or 2021.

Yeah, I don't even get the odd numbers approved for the west coast, so I don't expect to get them. I just don't know why I am getting this message on the ones I am approved for.

I am trying to get this to work as well but being blocked by NBC as well, same as above. Wants me to authenticate it and cannot.. Not sure what to do at this point. I was trying out YTTV as a possible cable replacement, if I cannot get pasted this then it is a no go for me..

Update.. I got it working, not sure how, but we will see how it goes.. hoping this works out for me.. but also considering Hulu Live..

I had to login in to NBC on a different tab. Then I even had to start streaming the live channel before the scan would work.

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Question about the Local Providers via TV Everywhere. Today NBC, Fox and ABC all seem to work, but CBS is missing from my Channels DVR list. If I log into with my YTTV credentials, it works and I can watch Live TV, but can't get Channels to recognize that. Is there any way to force it to try and log in again?

EDIT: Cancel this request, I completely disabled " *Local Networks via TV Everywhere" and re-enabled it, and that seems to have worked. Leaving this here for others in case they run into the same issue.

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I find it weird that Channels says YouTube TV does not provide TVE access to NBCSN-WASHINGTON. Yet it works on NBC Sports app.

Unless its based on the NBC app instead.

It's not Channels that says that, that's what NBC's TVE server is returning as an error.

It's based on what you can access from the website not an app, and if the stream has DRM or not.

Ah that makes sense now. Didn't show up on the NBC Sports website for the NBC website ether.

Hi All, just testing this setup with my YTTV account, I had to create a new gmail account as I didnt want to disable 2FA, I have added it to my family, I can log into YTTV and it works, I can log into NBC and it works but I'm still getting the error when authenticating and it has the NBC logo still on the background. Anyone have any suggestions?

Seeing this in the logs.

2022/06/01 12:43:19.392869 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin"
2022/06/01 12:43:19.407888 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth
2022/06/01 12:43:21.915990 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLoginPassword found a CAPTCHA"
2022/06/01 12:43:43.410735 [TVE] action=auth_timed_out
2022/06/01 12:43:43.410735 [TVE] action=screenshot
2022/06/01 12:43:43.470058 [TVE] action=screenshot size=45146
2022/06/01 12:43:43.470606 [TVE] action=capture_html
2022/06/01 12:43:43.521045 [TVE] action=capture_html size=1887385
2022/06/01 12:43:43.572462 [TVE] Auth failed for YouTubeTV: Cable provider authentication failed

Try updating to pre-release using the dropdown next to Check for Update button

Will do, thanks for the suggestion.