Provider - YouTube TV


You might want to see what I ran into for future reference:

I just had to re-install my Channels docker on my Unraid server and after re-setting up my YTTV account as a source and scanning the channels, I no longer have any of my local broadcasters getting populated. I'm in the NYC area, so all of the Big 4 stations are O&Os. They show up fine when I go to YTTV itself, but they don't show up in my list of available options in Channels - even if I go to Settings > Manage Lineup > Edit. Anyone have any thoughts on what might be happening?

Look under experimental settings on the web UI?

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Thank you! I completely forgot about that. :man_facepalming:

I can't seem to login to YouTube TV. Keep getting an "invalid password" screen even though I'm cutting and pasting the password and can use it to login to I was mashing the Accept button on my phone every time I tried it but no luck.

How do I debug this?

I've got the same issue going on. I made the mistake of removing my youtube dvr account from channels and now I can't add it back because it is prompting for an SMS code even though I removed my phone number.

Asking for an SMS code isn't the 'same issue' as invalid password.

Have you ensured that 2FA is OFF? Did you remove your email address as well as phone number from recovery options?

Yes, I have removed everything from recovery options. Google is still trying to send sms messages to my account.

Does anyone know what the headless command that channels dvr uses to connect to youtube tv? I'd like to try and emulate it in ubuntu and see if I can figure out what is going on.

I take it that your account did have recovery options, then you removed them. If that's the case, see earlier in this thread. A user had success starting an entirely different account from scratch without any recovery options from the get go. That worked. So I suggest trying that.

BTW I don't understand exactly what is meant by 'Google is still trying to send sms messages to my account'. To what end point are those messages directed if there's no email or phone? This is probably my misunderstanding of what's going on.

Replying to myself: The symptoms are different today. It's now stuck on a screen expecting something to hit a "Next" to verify that it's ok to send a text message to my cell phone. The screen still happens even when I remove cell phone from my account. I guess I'll go the next step and create a new account with out 2FA.

cfg5177, that seems to be the secret sauce...start from scratch, without 2FA.

I am going to be moving in the next few weeks and the new place does not have cable internet or tv. So, after reviewing my options, it looks like I am going with T-mobile for internet and YTTV for tv.

So, I got a little work ahead. The good news is T-mobile is available at my current and future homes, so I already ordered and got the router. Talked with T-mobile and they said they would have no issue switching addresses when I move, so I don't have to change equipment. I also already have a Gmail account ready that has no (and never had any) 2FA.

With T-mobile, I have to work on setting it up with my home router and Tailscale, for outside use.

With YTTV, I gotta make sure new account works without 2FA.

"that seems to be the secret sauce...start from scratch, without 2FA."

I still haven't tried this but I'm concerned that it won't be very long at all before google requires 2FA and then we'll be SOL until the getchannels team comes up with a workaround. I don't know if the fact that there seem to be some clients which can bypass it (I don't have to pull up my phone every time I want to watch YouTube TV on my Shield) means there's hope. Probably it requires some sort of licen$ing fee or something.

Maybe, but why worry about something that may not happen? If there is an announcement from Google that they're rescinding their policy not to require 2FA on non-recoverable accounts, then worry. If you think it'll help.

In the meantime, I still have the option to turn off 2FA on my primary recoverable account. So they haven't yet imposed the requirement they announced months ago, let alone started forcing it on non-recoverable accounts.

Don't worry, be happy ;->

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Okay, so maybe I don't understand something.
I got subscribed to YTTV with new, non 2FA account.
Tried to add as TVE source, but keep getting:

Log submitted: dc9f273e-d18c-46fe-bfed-b15cc6e41ccb

Try it on manually first

Okay, tried that...have gotten further. It is working through verifying the other channels. Will let you know of any other issues. Thanks

Actually, there was a message from Google that said they were going to require it for everything eventually. I said I was going to try it. I was just raising a concern.

I'd like to see that message. Would you provide a link?


Does 2FA only impact Channels DVR, or will it also mess up logging directly into apps like ESPN?