Questions about comm skip

Hello! I have two questions regarding comm skip:

  1. Let's say for example, you begin watching a recording of a show that is 3/4 of the way through airing ... Once the recording is finished and the commercials get flagged, will commercial auto-skip feature automatically kick in while you are watching?

  2. Feature enhancement request: Would it ever be possible to have the comm skip process start while the show is still airing? It would be very cool if you could start watching a show half-way through, and already have (at least some of) the commercials skippable.

  1. They do! It's like magic!
  2. Right now it is not. We're always exploring ways to make it better though.
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In relation to 2:

comskip does offer a "Live TV" mode for processing, but it is not quite as good as processing over a recorded file. As far as I am aware, MythTV is the only DVR makes use of this aspect of comskip, and even then it is off by default (which is a good thing, because when I remember using it, it was resource intensive and not that great ... more of a gimmick than a useful feature).

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