Recording and Import of same show are shown separatly


I store my recordings under /data/.

I have previously used Hdhomerun DVR and imported the files from the harddisk to a new channels-dvr folder (/data_old/tv) which I then imported with "Personal Media - Import your existing TV shows, movies, or videos into your library".

I have the problem that under new recordings (from channels-dvr) are shown from the /data directory at and the previous recordings (import) are shown at

Is it possible to have a combined view of both? I already tried to have matching metadata.

Best regards,


Are you saying it displays duplicate shows in

Or are you saying the episodes are under the same show, but the episodes display differently?

Can you display a screenshot of what you're trying to explain since your url's are edited.

sounds like you need to fix match on the import-xxx show to make it combine with the gracenote recorded version

Yes, I have of course shortened the names and IDs of the shows shown above.

On is displayed:
[Great TV show] (=recordings)
[Great TV show] (=import)
[Another TV show] (=recordings)
[Other great TV show] (=recordings)
[Other great TV show] (=import)

These are German TV shows.

I think I have the same problem that you have already described here Local Media Assets - #9 by chDVRuser.

From other threads I read that it was several times a problem of other customers that the (intended) search mask "Find Show Match" only recognizes English language titles. Even if you use the API ("...matches?q=", PUT ".../matches"), there is unfortunately no option to transfer a region - even if it says otherwise here(?) Local Media Assets - #13 by tmm1

As I understand it, the EPG is based on zap2it data and presumably the assignment of series. My idea was to match information from the recorded series with the imported series. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to change the underlying recorder.db because it is too encrypted with SQLCipher (to hide it from the customer himself(?!)).

Maybe it would be an idea to display the current tmsId(?) of a recording at, I mean something like SH037105560000, so that you can then enter it into the "Find Show Match" interface of the import.

It sounds as if you are having problems with the (US-centric) guide provider not having comprehensive data for German programming.

However, since you have already shared your situation with support, and are (apparently) reluctant to share the titles of your programs with the community, is there more help to be offered?

I believe you can enter the numeric id you see in the URL for the recorded show and it should work.

I don't like the atmosphere here and the irrelevant comments.

@tmm1: Can you please tell me what I have to enter where?

The "Manage" / "Find Show Match" function of the import does not find any search results under "123123-de".

I use the id of the recording of the corresponding series of

That gives the series id
Try looking at one of the episodes using /api/v1/episodes and find the program_id

"program_id": "EP000029530063"

copy that and change the EP to SH and the last 4 characters to 0000, like so

change EP000029530063
       ||        ||||
to     SH000029530000

Use SH000029530000 for Find Show Match

1 Like

Many thanks at this point! This has helped me a good step further with the tmsId.
For new recordings I could now find out the tmsId using the program_id and the EPG data of the show has improved.

However, there still seems to be a problem, as the internal "id" is no longer 'import-0ee6cd...........18bb2949' (as before the change) for the import, but now '184820' (for "CSI: Miami"). The internal 'id' of the recording is '184820-de'.

This is also the case with the other modified shows.

I suspect that the different "id" (suffix '-de') is the reason why it is still displayed twice in the list of

Gracenote data problem with languages ISO 639-1 (alpha-2 code)
Series ID 184820 is English (en)
Series ID 184820-de is German (de)

tms ID for 184820 (en) is SH005240610000
tms ID for 184820 (es) is SH005409540000
tms ID for 184820 (pt) is SH009176360000

Maybe a different tms ID for 184820-de :man_shrugging:
tms ID for 184820 (de) is SH????????0000

@chDVRuser Thanks again!

Is there a website where I can look up the tmsId? I have some recordings that aren't currently airing (like "Die Höhle der Löwen").

maybe like Full episodes and TV Listings-

For "CSI: Miami" I typed SH019576250000 (because of the program_id EP019576250211 and the show_id 184820-de of the recording from and the resulting 'id' is still 184820 (not 184820-de as I would have expected).

I have also tried the tms SH005240610000, SH005409540000, SH009176360000 which all resulted in 184820 for the show (and same EPG).

@tmm1 Is there an option to switch between the id 184820-de and 184820 of a show?

The only one I know of that uses Gracenote and tms data is zap2it. I don't think there's a German version of it.

TMDB and IMDB allow searches, but don't reference tms ID's

Try SH019576250000 for CSI Miami

Someone must have a sub to gracenote api data :grinning:

Doing that does a PUT to /dvr/groups/184820/matches still using the group/seriesId 184920

  "tmsId": "SH019576250000",
  "rootId": "184820",
  "seriesId": "184820",
  "entityType": "Show",
  "subType": "Series",
  "title": "CSI: Miami",
  "titleLang": "en",
  "totalSeasons": 10,
  "totalEpisodes": 233,
  "releaseYear": 2002,
  "releaseDate": "2002-09-23",
  "origAirDate": "2002-09-23",
  "descriptionLang": "de",
  "shortDescription": "Das CSI-Team in Miami wird von Horatio geleitet, der ein fotografisches GedÀchtnis hat.",
  "longDescription": "Der rothaarige Bombenexperte und ehemalige NYPD Agent Horatio Caine ist der Leiter der CSI-Abteilung in Miami. Dort ist er gemeinsam mit seinem Team fĂŒr die Sicherheit der Stadt verantwortlich. Mittels Forensik, Gentechnik und Gerichtsmedizin lösen die Beamten des CSI knifflige FĂ€lle. Horatio ist fĂŒr sein fotografisches GedĂ€chtnis und seinen trockenen Charme bekannt. An seiner Seite ermitteln die Ballistikerin Calleigh Duquesne, der belesene Tim Speedle, DNA-Spezialistin Alexx Woods und Eric Delko, Spezialist fĂŒr die Auswertung von FingerabdrĂŒcken sowie Experte im Drogenmillieu.",
  "topCast": null,
  "genres": ["Crime drama", "Action", "Thriller", "Mystery"],
  "ratings": [{"body": "USA Parental Rating","code": "TV14"
      }, {"body": "Canadian Parental Rating","code": "14+"
      }, {"body": "Departamento de Justiça, Classificação, Títulos e Qualificação","code": "14"
      }, {"body": "Instituto de CinematografĂ­a y de las Artes Visuales","code": "16"
      }, {"body": "Mediakasvatus- ja kuvaohjelmayksikkö","code": "K16"
      }, {"body": "Film \u0026 Publication Board","code": "16"
      }, {"body": "Régie du cinéma","code": "13+"
      }, {"body": "Australian Classification Board","code": "MA 15+"
      }, {"body": "Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft","code": "16"
      }, {"body": "Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales","code": "ATP"
      }, {"body": "ë°©ì†Ąí†”ì‹ ì‹Źì˜ìœ„ì›íšŒ","code": "15"
      }, {"body": "Kijkwijzer","code": "12"
      }, {"body": "Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji","code": "12"}
  "preferredImage": {"uri": "","height": "540","width": "720","primary": "true","category": "Banner-L1","text": "yes","tier": "Season"}

and the response shows it doesn't update the group Summary

  "ID": "184820",
  "Name": "CSI: Miami",
  "SeriesID": "184820",
  "Summary": "A Florida team of forensics investigators uses cutting-edge scientific methods and old-fashioned police work to solve crimes. Horatio Caine, a former homicide detective, heads a group of investigators who work crimes amid the steamy tropical surroundings and cultural crossroads of Miami.",
  "Image": "\u0026h=270",
  "Categories": ["Show", "Series"],
  "Genres": ["Crime drama", "Action", "Thriller", "Mystery"],
  "FileID": ["2089", "2090", "2091"],
  "CreatedAt": 1708295927,
  "RecordedAt": 1708295786300,
  "UpdatedAt": 1708295931041,
  "RefreshedAt": 1708295927729,
  "ReleaseDate": "2002-09-23",
  "ReleaseYear": 2002,
  "Cast": ["David Caruso", "Emily Procter", "Adam Rodriguez", "Jonathan Togo", "Rex Linn", "Eva LaRue", "Omar Miller", "Eddie Cibrian", "Megalyn Echikunwoke", "Evan Ellingson"],
  "ImportedAt": 1708295930968,
  "ImportID": ["2089", "2090", "2091"],
  "NumUnwatched": 3

At least for me in the U.S.

Does your guide data actually use the series ID 184820-de for airings of CSI: Miami?
Create a new advanced pass (without saving) to see if it finds any matches

Don't know if these are related, but similar issues.

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