Recordings list view

Is there a way to look at our recordings via a list view instead of large grid icons?
We find it’s much easier to scan for channels quicker instead of looking at preview images.

This is not what I’m talking about at all.

I’m talking about a list of all recorded shows in list view by show title, not much differently laid out than the TV guide. Then you can click on the show, then it would take you to a season\episodes submenu,


  • American Pickers
  • Bluey
  • Drunk History
  • Expedition Unknown

Then clicking on one of those would show another list view of seasons and episodes. Don’t want nor need any image preview. Just want to quickly scan the episodes on a list and not look at gigantic preview blocks. Again, similar to TiVo functionality when viewing recordings.

—> Expedition Unknown —> \S1\ e01, e02, e03, etc.

Like the Library View

but with the show art removed?
Doctor Who
Everybody Loves Raymond
Gilligan's Island

I don’t have many of those options you show on your top menu with the firestick, only;
Alphabetical\Recently Updated\Recently Added\Newly Released\

Would be great if I could list the other options you show on your screen on top, but that’s a different request.

We would prefer a simple list text view line by line, top to bottom in alphabetical order with the main show/series names.
Nothing fancy. Show art just takes up unnecessary space.
Would be much easier and quicker to navigate all recordings in list view.

Ahh, TiVo My Shows style, got it (I still have TiVo's).

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Same here. I didn’t know if you had used TiVo. I’ve been scrambling to find an alternative that’s family friendly and to cut down on costs (mostly my kids are watching pbs or streaming these days.) Personally I’d ditch tv altogether but I’m outvoted. Channels is the closest thing so far to a TiVo system replacement.

The newer TE4 has too much artwork taking up space and cluttering things up for my taste.
I like the TE3 (TiVo Experience 3) interface.
The TiVo My Shows is nice.
A single line of text if a movie or standalone episode.
A folder icon and text with the series name for a series it recorded 2 or more episodes for.
Clicking the folder icon brings up a text list of episodes, with a season# selector at the top.

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That’s funny because I like the loo of TE4 over TE3, although speed-aside TE3 has less stability issues. TE3 bothered me because it looked so outdated with the 3D buttons - I realize it’s personal nitpicking. My wife on the other hand preferred the old TE3 experience.

After tivo was sold, customer support went downhill rather drastically. I bought a lemon of a Tivo Edge last year and had serious issues trying to get it replaced 1 month later. The whole runaround from them was awful. I was also assured that transferring recordings from my Bolt to the Edge would be seamless—nothing but intermittent transferring issues and even lost recordings. They crippled that 3rd party transfer process too. And don’t even get me started about ad injections —inappropriate ads inserted before my kids’ programming and advertising their streaming chapels within the guide…

It’s such a shame because they had such a solid system and following but managed to ruin it almost overnight. It still has some very easy-to-use features and layout which Channels could improve upon.

Anyways, if I could only figure out a way to transfer recordings off now to channels, I’d be all set.

Reviving this old feature request as a new Channels user/former TiVo user.

I would much prefer a list view for "TV Shows", "Up Next", etc. Doesn't have to be the default, but would be great if it was an option users like me could turn off/on. Thank you!