Recover "movies moved to trash"

Running ChannelsDVR Server in Docker container on UnRaid.

I "accidentally" 'trashed' (used the trash button) on a couple movies in Personal Media, and I'm having difficulty getting them to show back up in the Movies Library, even after I put the files back in the share on UnRaid.

I'm sure there's an easy solution, but I'm just not seeing it.

Recover it from Trash if it's still there
DVR web UI Libarary > Trash
Client device Settings > Trash

I think the new default Trash retention time is now 1 day

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I'm not seeing any files in the trash

It’s important to know that Channels DVR Server doesn’t use any sort of operating system Trash functionality.

It has its own delayed deletion system we call Trash.

When you trash something from Channels, it simply hides it from your library, giving you time to recover trashed items during a set period.

After that period, it officially deletes it from your file system.

If you look at the DVR log it will show when it was deleted from disk (I think default retention is one day after you trashed it, before it's deleted from disk).

2024/07/27 14:42:30.001215 [DVR] Deleted #8034 /shares/dvr/TV/President Biden -- The Decision Address to the Nation/President Biden -- The Decision Address to the Nation 2024-07-24-2158.mpg (user)

I'm going to do some more testing, but there is a potential bug with this. If you delete a recording while it is recording (which I just accidentally did -- hit the button too many times on the AppleTV remote), it stops recording and seems to permanently delete the recording without much of a warning.

I'm going to try a couple things and see what more info I can add. I might not have paid enough attentions to the warnings on the screen when I deleted the first part of the recording.

But If this actually happened like I think it did, there should be a warning message before you delete something that is currently recording. Something like:

  • do you want to stop recording and delete immediately
  • do you want to stop recording and leave this recording for a moment (i.e. keep recording to the trash)
  • do you want to not delete and keep recording

It will definitely warn you and ask.