[RELEASE] Media Tools Manager [Streaming Library Manager Extension]

With so many shows, movies, stations, and more available, keeping track and managing them all can be quite difficult. Even using Streaming Library Manager itself can add layers of concerns, considerations, and questions. To resolve this quandary and quagmire is the Media Tools Manager extension!


Included are a set of activities that can be done to help work with certain datasets, controls, processes, and plenty of other options. This is especially true with functions available within or because of Channels DVR. Details on these instruments are available below. To learn more, please visit the Github repo:


More release details available here:

If there are additions you would like to see to MTM, please request them below or submit a request here:


Automation got a pretty huge update in v2024.12.23.1553, basically taking over the entire functionality of Settings | Scheduler and Run Processes. Check it out:

hey perhaps this has been covered pardon me, but when i go to Portainer, then Containers, SLM is greyed out to upgrade.. any tips?

You can edit the Stack and then down there you will have the Update the stack button:


When you do so, you'll want to make sure you check to Re-pull image and redeploy.


That should do it, but just make sure to delete the dead old image afterwards.

In the latest release, you can now run a report/query to see all of your Channels DVR stations by their Channel Collection(s), and even ones without them. Check out the details here:

I already discovered two stations I forgot to assign somewhere! Enjoy!