Remapping channel numbers

Use the Windows terminal to execute commands like cd. I don't use Windows but you should be able to Google Windows terminal to get the basics.

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I have tried this.

When I enter the command(s) I get error(s)
For example:
$ git clone "$ is not recognized as an internal or external command"

not offended at all. i genuinely want to make sure it's easy enough to read that anyone can follow it, so i'm glad you brought this up so i can make improvements.

i should have noted where i said "this assumes a working system..." that it actually assumes a working linux system. we should be able to get this working on windows with some tweaks, i just might not be much help answering some questions. we might need some other users to chime in.

they are linux terminal commands. the $ is the prompt (similar to c:\> you'd see on a windows system if you opened up a command prompt window).

i haven't tried this on windows because i don't have a windows system to test it on, but it should be pretty similar...some of the commands might change, though. for example, i don't know that mkdir works exactly the same on both windows and linux.

like i said above, the $ is just the prompt. everything else after it is the actual command to be run. i'll make some changes to the guide to point that out.

also, one of the commands i know (or am pretty sure at least) will be different, is the syntax anywhere you see ~ in any of these commands. ~ on a linux system refers to the user's home directory, and i don't believe windows has any you'd just need to pick a directory to set this up in, and use that directory path anywhere you see ~ in the linux commands.

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Ok I removed frontend and change the port from 80 to 8080 but i don't get the mapping option. I think it takes more than just changing the port to 8080. But the backend doe come up with port 8090.

if you changed the port option in the docker-compose file to 8080:80 (instead of 80:80), you should be able to access the mapper on http://<server.ip>:8080

that of course assumes you have nothing already running on port 8080. what behavior exactly are you seeing?

I also had an issue with the run command in the Mac in terminal. run

got it all working but on hdhomerun you can type the channel but there disappear when yo save. on philo and spectrum the channels stay but no changes anymore on the channels.

that is my screw-up. it should be sh, not run

I meant to say that you should run and somehow put it in as a command. I'll fix that.

can you elaborate a little more on this? I'm not sure I understand what you mean here...

my page with the mapping works ( but if Type in the text boxes to the right of the channels. The HDhomerun source will except the entry but when I save the text box goes blank. On the sources like Philo the entry takes and still in the text box after I save or refresh the page. But I don't see any changes in the channel mapping. Should I see it in the backend or on the actual channels server on

you should see it on the frontend. the backend server is just there to bring all the channels together.

the mapping instance looks at those backend sources and produces a m3u playlist you can use as a source in the frontend, to show the channels with the new channel numbers.

I'm still not sure I understand what you mean about the box going blank on some sources but taking on others. that doesn't make sense. it should work for all or not work at all...the same code is being used for all sources.

Only difference between sources is that the hdhomerun is a fiscal tuner.

Reality I can use a text editor to chive the same results after extracting the mu3 files. thanks for all your help.

no problem, but i'd still like to try to understand what you're seeing so if there's something broken i can fix it.

can you send me a screen grab of exactly what happens when you try to save the channels in both a source that works and a source that doesn't?

I already removed my images from Docker but I would type in all the new channel numbers and at the end hit save and the would be gone from the screen. Same in my Mac docker.
I have already running really well Channels DVR and made all the M3u files with the new channel numbers for Emby so I gave up with the mapper. I was hopping that the developers would add to their server the option. My reason is it took my wife 6 years to get used to the Verizon channel numbers and she does not like change.

okay, i guess. the whole point of this was to allow you to map channels to whatever system you like. as i said, you can certainly use this with an existing channels DVR install and i'm more than willing to help you get it running, but i can't do that by guessing.

if you're fine with using emby instead and that works for you, that's great! if you decide you want to give this another shot, i'm here to help!

I would really like to be able to use this. How would I go about doing it on Windows? Thanks!

the process should be similar but i can't really help much with how the commands would be different, as i don't have a windows system that i can test it with. there are a few tips both on the blog post and a little further up here, but i'd need someone who is an expert with docker in windows to help out a bit so we can figure it out...

if i get a chance this weekend, i'll see if i can spin up a windows VM and get it running from start to finish so i can write down exactly what the differences are...but i can't make any promises.

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That would be awesome if you could!

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Wouldn't it just be easier to use xTeVe, and use their .m3u and import it back into Channels? In xTeVe import the Channels DVR playlist(m3u): [http://server IP :8089/devices/TVE-Philo/channels.m3u] than rename your channels, once that is done go back to Channels DVR, Add source, choose M3U Playlist, add the Xteve URL: http://server IP:34400/m3u/xteve.m3u.