Remapping channel numbers

I don't. This might help

Channels is running fine, I'm just looking for a guide implementing this php renaming script on a Qnap with container station

Hello i followed your document and my backend lol sorry that sounds funny, but my backend still says configure source even tho I already did that

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can you send a screenshot? i'm not sure i follow where exactly you are in the process...

Just found this thread as I want to setup custom channel numbers (so I don't have to rearrange my On Now on every device). Did you get a Windows install guide figured out? Thanks!!

Thanks for this! I decided to get a HD-Homerun - Prime 3 for Xfinity for RSN. Only problem was a handful of other channels that I watched have been switched over to IPTV, which of course the Prime doesn't support. Used this channels remapping to fill in those channel gaps using the TVE streams. Works like a charm! You sir are brilliant.

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i haven't had a chance yet...thanks for reminding me! i'll try to set aside some time in the near future to get this done for anyone who wants to use it on windows.

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No problem. So I've spent the past 4+ hours trying to make it work. I was going to be the helper and lay it all out for you to share with others. :grin: I borked my original working install in the process pissing the wife off royally LOL. I was confident I was golden after lots of googling on how to make Docker Desktop for Win10 do what I wanted and I had the Backend loading. I added some sources, mapped some channels, then headed to the frontend. No bueno.

The frontend won't find any channels from any of my 3 sources whether I use the URL, text(copied to Notepade++ then into the Text field), or save the playlist as an m3u file. It's very odd. I've spent the last hour trying to get that to work.

Finally, since it's late and I'm out of ideas I thought I'd add my sources quickly to the frontend so the wife could watch in the morning. The problem is, none of my Firesticks or Shields can see the DVR Server. It's the same IP address I was using previously but I get the Server Not Found error. Another thing this made me notice, the frontend is not advertising my Server to the Server IP address. Where mine is 192.168.x.x it says this "Advertising dvr-cb73fefcfa66.local. via 1 network: []". I looked at my screenshots from my previous install, it read advertising via 4 networks but then listed that same IP and the proper PC IP like "Advertising dvr-username.local. via 4 networks: [, 192.168.x.x]"

And that's where I am. I'm hoping you have some ideas as to what could be causing this. Thanks!

did you turn bonjour off on the backend instance?

what URL did you use when you did URL? and when you tried with text, what URLs was the playlist loading for each channel?

Yes, Bonjour off on the backend.
URL I used: http://192.168.x.x/channels/1079D86D/playlist
Here's an example of the first entry of the text playlist:

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0 channel-id=“3.1” channel-number="3.1" tvg-chno=“3.1” tvg-id="3.1" tvc-guide-stationid="33659" tvg-name="WAVE HD" tvg-logo="" group-title="",WAVE HD http://192.168.x.x:8090/devices/1079D86D/channels/3.1/stream.mpg

Long story short, I gave up on running in Windows. I spun up a Virtual Box running Ubuntu 20.04 and went that route. Much simpler and just works.....99% that is haha. Here's the one issue I'm facing now which is critical:

My HDHomeRun OTA channels source won't save in the Channel Mapper. I've tried filling out Re-mapped #'s for all of them, some of them, and even different size numbers (single thru quadruple digits 1-8000). No matter what I try when I click "Save Channel Map" they disappear. I have 3 other channel sources you can see in the screenshot, those all save properly.

@crackers8199 Been lurking in this thread for a while and decided to dive in today.

I'm working on a Synology DS718+, trying to run my existing Channels DVR as the frontend instead of the docker. Got all of the containers built and running but mapped channels-mapper port 80 to 8081.

Now when I go to that port, I get a 403 Forbidden page. "Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe." Can you help me troubleshoot?

Edit: figured out the permissions issue, but then got some errors because I forgot to change the backend_ip port in the env file I think? I'm going to try and rebuild everything in a moment.

Edit 2: Now I'm getting this...
Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to a member function make() on int in /var/www/html/public/index.php:49 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/public/index.php on line 49

Has anyone else had this issue where the mapped channels won't save? I've tried deleting and adding the HD Homerun again but still the same issue. Until this is resolved my mappings aren't really usable. Thanks!

I have not experienced that problem and am not using this script, but I wonder if it might just be a file permissions issue. I think that's a php script. If you know where the files are located, you could try changing the unix file permissions. That's the only thing I can think of based on the issue you described.

Thanks for the suggestion! I've checked every permission I can and still no luck. I even scrapped everything and reinstalled from the start with no luck. I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing I just need someone more knowledgeable than me to help guide me.

i apologize, i've been super busy this week and haven't had a chance to dive into this...i'll try to start taking a look after work tomorrow and answer any questions that are here!

i think this might be because i didn't design it to handle subchannels. it's probably having an issue with the dot in each channel name from the hdhomerun.

i'll see if i can update to fix that quick, but i'll need help testing it because i don't have a hdhr to test it with (i only use channels for locast and TVE)...

edit: actually, i take that back. the db should handle this.

i wonder if the output from the hdhr is different from what the mapper is looking for with TVE. can you go to this URL and post the output?


change channels-backend and the port to your channels server IP and whatever you used as the backend port.

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were you able to get this running after a rebuild?

Thanks man! I wound up getting a cheap subscription to a EPG site to get the numbers right in the meantime. It acts as the channel mapper in the middle. But then I still have to manually adjust parts of the m3u so I'd love to just use yours. I did what you needed, here's the output: