Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

The timestamp for the files on his website Index of /SamsungTVPlus/ is New Zealand time (UTC +13)

us.m3u8        13-Mar-2024 07:08              106421
us.xml         13-Mar-2024 07:08             1480927

Looks like the us.xml file contains about 12 6 hours of up to date EPG
It was last generated (generated-ts="1710266901") at Epoch time 1710266901 (Tuesday, March 12, 2024 18:08:21 UTC)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd"><tv generator-info-name="" generated-ts="1710266901">

That corresponds to this hour for start/stop times in the xml
20240312180000 +0000

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It used to show 12hrs yes, but most often and recently, or just randomly, will only show a few hours. Currently, it is only showing 4hrs into the future. and i just reloaded it, no change.

If it is only being re-generated every 12 hrs, and that is the issue then, it runs out and does not re-generate often enough.

Ideally, it should be re-generated every 1hr or at a much shorter interval than 12hrs. Pluto's xml, every hour i re-load it, it then adds another hour of guide data to existing future data.

Yesterday, i noticed no guide data after 6pm, i manualy re-downloaded, it populated until midnight, then there was nothing until about 7am, even after manual refresh. After 7am, it loaded data until 2pm, then after refresh around 1pm, it has data to 7pm. Never used to be this way. It was always shorter than Pluto, but never had this many times where no guide data.


I'm not using it, but looking at the xml file the latest two guide entries are for these two channels
ACC Digital Network and Origin Sports at 20240312235959 +0000 UTC
So 2024-03-12 23:59:59 UTC
And that is less than 4hrs from now.

If the xml is only being updated 1x a day, or maybe 2x, every 12 hours, then i guess the further issues is the timing of the DVR refreshing the file. There is no option to set exact time for refresh, but, if it misses the time the new file is pushed, after it has run out of data, then there is a gap of no data at all. There have been times of at least a few hours I have seen no data though. And, manually re-loaded the xml, and no updates.

I have only 16 of the 331 channels enabled. But, it is very frustrating at times to only have at best 4hrs of guide data. Some of the sitcoms and other shows on those channels may want to record, but been missing them, or not even knowing what is airing been creating some strife with other user in household. Several of the channels replaced the Plex ones, that never would tune.

Looking at it again, it appears to only be 6 hours of guide in the xml file that was generated over 2 hours ago. So that lines up with you seeing only 4 hours.

I use a cron job (Synology Task Scheduler) to keep my Pluto guide up to date.
You can refresh the lineup and xml using curl commands.

Looks like his site is updating right now.
Yep, new m3u8 and xml files

I noticed Pluto added 50ish some more channels since last i looked at my Lineup.
Seems they be slowly adding in many that Samsung has. Like MotorTrend FAST.
Though, a few, are named the same, have slightly different programing.

I just refreshed the xml, no change for Samsung, no further guide data past 7pm my time.

The new xml file on his site should get you guide until 9pm your time

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This is why I use the epg from channels instead of the Samsung EPG otherwise you're at the mercy of stuff like this. Thank God I don't have to configure (babysit) much after I map out the data...

a refresh after 4pm my time, gave me to 9pm. But still, i do not understand why they have 5hrs of guide data, and all the other data is just wasted as being in the past.

How do you mean? These are specific online streaming channels, FAST i think they are called, and each service may stream different programing even if it is the same Channel Name.

How are you mapping these custom channels to a Channels EPG source?

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Go to each channel individually and look up the name. Gracenote also has data on FAST channels (well...not all of then as some of them are just on demand programming on a loop but most)

The official Samsung TV Plus app does not have a DVR function, so their API only provides about 6 hours of listings.

The bulk of the FAST channels on Samsung TV Plus are pretty much the same linear feeds that TCL, Roku, Vizio, Freevee and others have, so Gracenote has listings for many of them except for their self programmed exclusives like Conan and Pluto's "stitched" channels like the BET, MTV and TV Land branded channels. (The Nickelodeon branded channels from Pluto are programmed as a linear feed, so they have Gracenote listings)

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Well, the ones i use, are not the same between Pluto and Samsung, for example, BBC Earth, Top Gear, Jack Hanna Channel. I compared them and different programing.

I click the pencil icon next to the channel to edit its mappings, and all it pulls up is the 2x xmls that is loaded into channels, the one for Sasmung and the one for pluto. How does one map a individual custom channel to a "Gracenote" source?

I have only ever edited OTA channel mappings, and had a drop down to show ota or cable line ups.

You can't really compare Pluto to the rest of the streaming providers like Samsung, Vizio, TCL and Roku as most of their entertainment channels are "stitched" via self hosted VOD clips. The rest of the providers mostly ingest linear feeds directly supplied by the FAST programmer.

Where is "Gracenote" to look up guide data... i did a search and find various pages, but none that allow me to search for program listings, alike to TvDB etc.

This paid service?

or this
Gracenote in google pulls up this site

I have seen Gracenote mention many times on here, but never a link to search its guide my self
like this thread

Gracenote is the guide data supplier used by ChannelsDVR, you search for the station by name the same way you can for OTA channels and manually map the Samsung Channel to one of Gracenote's entries.

Not the case (as noted above, NZ time):




Looks like the XML is being regenerated about every two hours. Several people have already pointed out why there is only 6 hours of data in the XML and how that reflects in the Channels guide--as well as potential workarounds--so I won't repeat all that. With hourly reloading of the XML on my side, I don't seem to have a problem aside from the limited number of hours available. :person_shrugging:t4:

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