Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

Samsung still working for me. Do i need to change the url in Channels now or something?
I am still using

Edit. Nope. they dead now


That playlist m3u8 doesn't exist anymore.
Just replace the url's in your existing custom m3u channel with the ones from this new docker.

Seamless source replacement if you have CDVR assigning channel numbers. None of them will change and your favs and hidden channels stay the same.


Docker Compose

version: '3.9'
  # Docker container home for this project:
    image: matthuisman/samsung-tvplus-for-channels:${TAG}
    container_name: samsung-tvplus-for-channels
      - ${HOST_PORT}:80
      - TZ=${TZ} # Add your local timezone in standard linux format. E.G. US/Eastern, US/Central, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, etc
    restart: unless-stopped

Environment variables


but you took it out of your github. so i can’t tell if it still hinges on phoning home to you or not.

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What? I don't use docker. Those urls are local ip addresses. I confused. U saying can no longer have Samsung Channels unless i use docker?

nocords for Pluto and Stirr still working fine and they just simple m3u urls, but that is different than this Samsung source.

so dramatic :laughing:
just dont use this. solved!

Everyone else, the playlists are removed.
see Pluto / Samsung / Stirr / Plex / PBS - Playlists Removed [DMCA] · Issue #127 · matthuisman/ · GitHub


I still do not get it.. They are free to watch streams are they not? Why they claim a take down? Whatever. Cloudflare i have seen be weird on some things.

The urls still work fine for me. Still get guide data... still refresh even. Must be cached if they been removed. So, assume it will stop working soon for me.

Great... yesterday I lost all Xfinity channels, now Samsung.... the universe does not want me to be watching tv anymore i guess lol :crazy_face:

Guess i gonna have to figure out Docker thing if i want this back...

Question. How much power hardware wise does Docker things need for Channels?
This one, for Samsung, just generates a playlist, that not take much cpu or ram i assume?

But there are other Docker things for Channels is there not? They need more cpu or ram?

Just trying to decide if i need to setup Docker on something that has some decent hardware, or just a old pi SBC would do.

Another docker compose Samsung TV Plus for Channels - #325 by chDVRuser
Samsung TV Plus for Channels - #324 by chDVRuser
for your projects!
A docker-compose for every Channels-related extension -- suitable for Portainer-Stacks!
Project One-Click: All-in-One Installations of Docker Extensions and CDVR Custom Channels

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Yes, but their licensing terms probably indicate the streams are only meant for playback in their own apps, and they’re not meant to be available for recording, editing and/or commercial skipping in other apps. Just a guess though. Perhaps one day these FAST (Free Advertising-supported Streaming Television) providers will end up encrypting their streams too :person_shrugging:

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Put it this way. I'm running 9 docker containers, including this one, on my 11 yr old NAS w/2GB RAM.


it wasnt cloudflare, it was a takedown from pluto.
I decided its not worth the risk of hosting the other playlists as well so removed them.
The EPGs are still being generated.

They may be back if I can find a better place to host them thats away from my server for other stuff

But i think i still prefer my plan to have users generate the playlists themselves locally.
Its a lot harder to stop that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Take a few minutes of your time and setup docker and learn enough to meet your needs.
I'm quite happy to generate lists locally.
I even setup docker instance on windows and it isn't a huge deal.

Pluto? Well nocords url seems to have no issues, yet.
Pluto is my main source, (Samsung and Plex have many of the same channels streams) but Samsung has a few channels i like that are not in others.

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I installed Docker via DietPi-software UI on my other CDVR server. Ran the pull code and run code.
I got the new urls.

How often does this refresh the data in the xml gudie vs the previous ulrs?

Also, the Channel numbers all changed. Not sure if they will conflict with Pluto or others now.
Both now and before, i had set to use the channel number from the m3u.

Samsung uses 1001 - 4585
Pluto uses 0 - 5264

I find it best to let Channels DVR assign the channel numbers.
It remembers what channel number it assigned to a channel-id, so the channel numbers won't change.

Set your custom source to refresh every hour and you won't have to worry about it.

I meant in the docker? Recall we had issues with the guide data populating from his server.
How often does the docker pull from Samsung (or wherever) new guide data?
Or does Channels refresh settings somehow control the data pull in the docker?

If it is not obvious, i know nothing about Docker, containers and all of that... just give me a .exe i can run Iin Windows anyday. Lol

If you do decide to run some containers I strongly suggest your first step be installing Portainer. it will greatly help visualize whats going on in docker. its basically a gui for docker.

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Thanks once again for the heads-up. I'm traveling for a funeral the next couple of days, but I'll add it soon.

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