Sat>IP support

Those channel lists from the site are quite old and need to be manually edited (as far as i am aware).

Ive also noticed there are differences between my m3u lists depending on whether i am using my Kathrein or Triax SAT>IP server.

So does DVBViewer software.

Additionally, you can create custom m3u file with a set of tuning options assigned to the IP address of the SAT>IP server. Ive tried both methods and had this successfully working with Kodi, Plex & Emby.

The reason ive been using channels DVR is the focus specifically on LiveTV. My SAT>IP setup utilises a single 60cm dish, 3 wideband LNBs pointed at Hotebird 13e, Atra 19.2 & Astra 28.2 for FTA channels. Its used primarily for movie channels & music channels which i like. Ive also found that some sports channels are FTA on hotbird 13e & 19.2 with Eng streams, which is also useful.

Im not interested whatsoever in try to decode encrypted channels or use dodgy IPTV streams, just the ability to utilise my SAT>IP equipment in channels DVR so i can combine both my DVB-T channels via HDHomerun & DVB-S channels via satellite using SAT>IP.

Each piece of HTPC software ive used (including channels DVR) have their strengths / positives. I believe what makes channels DVR unique is the focus on its live TV and the reliability of recording & watching FTA TV. I like the simple / clean interface within channels DVR, the EPG is clean, the ability to watch live TV & recordings outside of my home network seems reliable, the recent update to include a local movie & tv show database is an awesome feature... and lots of other positives - Credit to the developers.

Can you share an example of how this looks?

I found some on

It seems VLC can also use these. Have any of you been able to use VLC with your SAT>IP receivers?


I took the 28.2 list replaced the ip with the ip of my sat-ip device and it worked perfectly.

Good find this - works brilliantly with vlc

We now offer basic support for SAT>IP with Channels DVR too, using BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

To try it out, click Add Source > M3U. Select MPEGTS, then URL and enter A new field will appear below where you can enter the IP of your SAT>IP server.


Does the above work if I replace the 19_2 with 28_2 ?

Yes but I don't think there's a logos version of 19_2. So use

This is awesome.

Ive just created an m3u playlist for astra 28.2 using my Kathrein SAT IP server and so far it's working very well. This now gives me a huge amount of options for recording TV shows! 24 tuners lol!

Thankyou for developing / integrating this! Spot on.


The resources / download links on the website are ok, however outdated. There are lots of channels missing.

I usually use the ini file from KingOfSat to keep my UK Freesat (astra 28.2) up to date which is here:


Thanks. What do you do with the ini file usually?

I put it into the 'transponder' directory within DVBViewer (the software I use to generate an m3u list), complete a channel scan then click on the 'external links' to download that file as m3u. So as things are I'm using the SAT IP function within channels dvr, but the file generated is connecting via the DVBViewer media server to my SAT IP server. It maybe a work around so to speak and I'd rather have channels dvr tuning directly, but unless I create / write an m3u list manually (which takes ages), I've found the above method to work fine. I can also create a single m3u list of my favourite channels across different satellites and SAT IP servers using DVBViewer which I like. As you mention in an earlier post the formats seem different if creating an m3u file from scratch. The method of tuning my Triax SAT IP server seems slightly different to my Kathrein SAT IP server.

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So I've been playing about with this new function and would like to give some feedback / suggestions:

  1. After you have initially loaded an m3u file and manually mapped the epg provided by channels dvr, if I alter the m3u file (so add or remove channels), then click to update the m3u file within channels dvr the epg mappings and also channels marked as favourites gets mixed up. Any changes to my m3u channel list means I have to re map my epg and reset the channels marked as favourites.
  2. All my channels show up as HD.
  3. When I am mapping my epg to each channel sometimes the text cursor is missing and I'm unable to type a channel number or name. If I exit the channel mappings, then re open it everything is fine.

The positives:

  1. Very quick channel changes.
  2. 24 tuners on my SAT IP server so this makes streaming and recording a dream.
  3. With the epg correctly mapped, all channel logos, epg data, artwork and also filters (so movies on now)... Etc all work well.
  4. Zero stuttering or channel drops. This is both on my home network and outside of my home network.
  5. Tested with 6 shows recording at once, whilst also watching live TV on 2 televisions connected via amazon fire tv boxes with no issues.
  6. Tested via cellular data on my mobile phone and tablet... No issues.
  7. Recordings scheduling without issue.
  8. Playback of recordings is fine, no issues.

I'm really pleased to have the SAT IP option available. It would be nice to have channels dvr allow to tune and channel scan directly to the SAT IP server, but not really a big problem for me.


I don't know whether these can work with cards for decryption, but any SAT IP server connected to a dish should work fine. I have FTA channels from hotbird 13e, 19.2 and 28.2 all connected via 1 dish into 2 SAT IP servers connected via 'wideband' lnbs and everything works well and reliably.

We recommend having a channel-id with unique value for each entry, so the dvr can keep track of when channels move around.

If you can email some example m3u files from your setup to I will see how to improve the situation without having to modify the files.

Wow, holy mother. I haven't used CHannels in a while and I suddenly see that @tmm1 changed attitude towards Sat>Ip solution, what a nice surprise I have to say. The reason from the beginning Me among others asked about such integration is that having such feature inside Channels DVR UI seems to be more in place that custom remote access app for such tuners which vary in experience and quality, just to say watching and recording stuff via WebIF interace is terrible and inferior to channels.

Custom m3u support is also a nice surprise, I tried to reverse engineer how Channels handle HDHomeRun tuners to develop virtual version of those not affiliated with xteve or Telly (If I wanted play Go I would go to Japan :wink: ) but didn't have much time to get some results :expressionless:
which is a pity because I wish I extracted channels stream links from online tv service of my cable operator.

Most of the reason for that beside integration in one UI is recording stuff. Channels can record as many stuff at once as server can handle which is superior to any crap boxes polish satelite or cable operators offers.

@neild7744 you are the guy I searched for because your setup is the same as I imagined once in my head but I gave up after reading to much about polrisation,transpoders, unicable, converters, multiplexers - seems for me very complicated solution :frowning:

3 satelites means 3 converters right? what kind of converters each? do you use unicable? to record stuff you need I assume 2 cables from each converter + 1 cable from terrestial if you want, so how it end up in 2 SAT IP servers at the end? Could you draw some schema for those of us walking in the fog?

for the record I only testes Zgemma H9 combo and Octagon SF8008mini Combo but these are crap, as I assume they don't include FBC satelite head just the standard DVBS2-X one.

But overal good work tmm1 and maddox and rest of the team, nice to see that user 'pressure' brings us to superior solution over Plex :slight_smile:

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No problem. Il email you the m3u file I'm currently using in the next couple of days.

3 wideband / unicable lnbs on 1 dish offset to the weakest satellite. 2 sat ip servers. 1 sat ip server in wideband setup takes 2 lnb feeds from astra 28.2 sky UK and gives me 24 tuners available on my home network. The second sat ip server takes 2 feeds per lnb set for hotbird 13e and 19.2 also in wideband setup via a multiplexer connected to a triax tss sat ip server. This gives me 4 additional tuners. Add the hdhomerun dvbt boxes for terrestrial and I can merge the lot into 1 single m3u list for 3 x dvbs and 1x dvbt. I think in total across satellite and terrestrial I have a total of 36 tuners available on my network lol. Insane. The idea is that I can series link lots of tv shows and just let the libraries build up. This is where channels dvr comes in as it's much more slick imo for focusing on live and recorded TV. The ability to easily series link and setup recordings plus with the added artwork etc channels dvr provides is quality imo. Plex is glitchy for me, kodi works OK but the series link is crap, emby is good, but slow channel changes and other glitches... Channels dvr just seems to work. Zgemma is crap imo. Tried that. IPTV = has a lot of illegal stuff (not interested in that) and the links regularly fail or links are rubbish quality. Essentially channels dvr supporting m3u for me just allows all this sat ip equipment to be utilised so I can stream and record as much FTA TV as I want... With the added bonus of receiving FTA channels from Europe if I want.

I'd start at the basics. Get a dish up with a unicable or quattro lnb fitted, get a sat up server and have a play. It's difficult to explain everything, but once you start with the basics, once 1 sat up server is configured, you can just add additionals onto your network. No messing about with loads of satellite cables, tuner cards, long cable runs etc, configuring drivers etc. Pretty much plug and play. The hardest part I found was configuring software to get everything communicating.

My next little job is to get a rack mounted cabinet in my garage so all this kit can be properly installed :slight_smile:


The only additon for me to make channels dvr meet my needs 100% would be to have the ability to record movies and let me watch a movie trailer. I know this isn't really sat ip related, but the ability to record a movie and for me to save a local movie trailer which channels dvr can detect and show a 'watch trailer' button before playing a movie would be epic. I have asked about this on another post on the forum. I'd love it to be implemented. I don't need channels dvr to fetch the movie trailer or link to a YouTube trailer etc... Just the ability to detect a trailer within a movie directory similar to what plex, kodi and emby does. I record quite a lot of movies and use other software to parse the recorded file, get all the meta data, artwork and download a trailer. At the moment I'm recording movies, then having to go onto imdb or YouTube and search for a trailer. It works OK, would just be better for me if it was all available in channels dvr. The sat ip side of thinks has allowed me to add more FTA movie channels which is awesome.

Hey, thanks for informative answer. I share similar attitude for recording stuff but have no possibility at the moment and not everything is on VOD unfortunately.

Speaking of tuners, I had a problem with returning tuner to seller because he didnt want to give me refund. I had to warn him that he is selling illegal stuff as box have Kodi preinstalled, and it worked and got my money back :slight_smile:
(there was already some court sentence,however only in US I assume that selling boxes with preinstalled Kodi with IPTV plugis is illegal).

So as you say, I don't need Kodi because Apple TV and Infuse are much better. With proper smartDNS (I use Getlifx) it;s amazing how much free content is available from UK. I also have access from a friend to one illegal IPTV service but almost never use it, it is nice to have some reserve backup option if you want to watch sport event that is nowhere broadcasted in your country. In Europe this may be more and more the case e.g. Athletic championships in Berlin was broadcasted by Eurosport, but only in Poland (imagine faces of lot of polish people living in UK). As long as broadcasters will do such thing, there always be a demand to circumvent dumb restrictions but that is another story,
many ENigma2 tuners are cheap because people buying it only for Kodi or for ccline from shady Chinese providers and they are not intrested in legal broadcast from satellite :frowning:

If I could share broadcast with someone I would rather with my family who cannot get decent satellite reception so the idea of Sat>IP is very compelling.If they could work with operator cards like Sky and gives access to VOD libraries it would be even better.
My friend uses Slingbox to have access to his Freesat box but Dish announced all Slingboxes stop working around 2022 so alternate solution is necessary.

I think I give Channels another try with TVP Kultura 2 stream, would it be possible for you to share tuner/IP link for TVP Dokument? (Hot Bird 13e) and Sky Arts? They should both be FTA now.