Schedule is not refreshing to current day

I check the schedule page for upcoming recordings and it is routinely showing yesterday's recordings that were scheduled and already recorded. Have to scroll down to even get to today.

It's not refreshing to the current time when you click on it in other words, can be as much as a day or so behind.

I'm running the current beta but I've seen this for a long time now.

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Same here. When I look at "Recordings", I see the correct entries for shows recorded yesterday. But when I review "Scheduled" half of the ones I see for today were recorded yesterday. I note that the channel numbers for these shows are the same ones in both instances. I've also verified that the Channels DVR app running on my Synology are using the correct Time Zone (which is correctly set on the Synology). I'm not seeing an incorrect Time Zone listed for the Channels DVR browser entry. I've noticed this issue for the last 6 months or so. What else can I check?

Do you guys have the Schedule section in the sidebar? Or are you accessing it from Settings.

Is the app staying open for days at a time without exiting or re-entering?

I have a schedule section. That is also where I find the shows that indicate they are to be recorded. When I select any of these already recorded ones in the schedule section and choose to cancel recording them, it does not affect the schedule. However, if I go to the trash and delete the trash, all the items I have watched, that were deleted, as well as the ones I asked to be removed from the schedule, are now gone from the schedule list.

That means I no longer see the ones that were already watched or scheduled (these latter ones represent the duplicates that somehow got introduced again into the schedule, and on the very same day that I'd already scheduled and watched them). Seems there's some sort of synchronization problem going on.

As for the app, it is running on my Apple TV with the server on the Synology. I never turn off the Apple TV. My setup uses a combination of a Google Nest Mini and Harmony Hub and remote to engage my projector, video processor, and audio processor. So, I guess the app will run either in the Apple TV's foreground or background. Unfortunately, the Harmony seems incapable of turning the Apple TV on or off, so I simply leave it on, rather than using its remote. When I start the activity to watch the Apple TV it brings up the start screen with Channels DVR as one of the app options, including my HDHomerun.
Hope that helps...

The next time you see the Schedule section showing old/stale entries, please submit diagnostics from the app in Settings > Support.

Is this best done within the app or via the browser?

I’ll test whether or not closing the app “fixes” this problem, though that’s not how the Channels DVR program ought to work. Cleanup should happen once, either the program has been recorded, or the clock/date has passed the scheduled start for the show.

I have the schedule section in the sidebar and yeah you only see it when the app is open for days at a time. Recently it's been updated almost daily so I don't see the issue.

Will submit diags when I see it again.

As noted, the app. Because we need logs from what's happening in the app. Logs from your Channels DVR Server are not helpful to this scenario.

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Is your Apple TV set to sleep after being idle for a while?


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How is this done? My setup has the Apple TV connected via HDMI into one of my Lumagen video processor source ports. When the Lumagen is turned off the Apple TV never powers off. I've heard about HDMI-CEC but I'm wondering if and how vendors implement this and if they really follow a standard. And I believe there is a setting for this in the Apple TV. However, I find no setting in my Lumagen.

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Restarting the app definitely fixes the problem because it gets a new schedule.

As far as sleep goes I just configure sleep after 15 minutes idle in the ATV, and it also goes to sleep when my TV powers off via CEC.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Apple TV + Sleep + HDMI CEC Help

I've restarted the app numerous times. Did not affect things as expected. I am still seeing items in my Schedule (on the app), that have already been recorded. The app thinks that it can record these items today, even though they are not available to be recorded. Sent diagnostics and hope someone responds.

Do they also appear on the web UI

The web UI is fine the problem is in the Apple app.

In my case, I do not see these in the web UI. Nor do I see them in the Apple TV app when I go into Settings for Channels DVR...Schedule.

I'm not aware of the process for restarting the Channels DVR app on the Apple TV.

What I do find is that after a day passes the apps listed as Scheduled disappear.

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Just submitted diagnostics, the schedule tab in the sidebar showed recordings scheduled from earlier today, was not refreshed to current time.

There are other problems that show up in the schedule - if you cancel recordings it doesn't show up as canceled for example, or recordings in progress don't show as completed when they're done etc.

The schedule tab seems to not be refreshed to current time. Eventually it catches up but this could be hours behind or even a day or two behind.

These are the same symptoms I've experienced.

The next time you notice this, could you try visiting Scheduled Recordings from Settings as well, and compare the two visualized lists?