Search Page and results

The new Search Page has been a bit confusing to me. The results seem to be sorted into at least five categories (tabs). TV Shows, TV Movies, Shows, Movies, and Episodes.

From what I can tell, TV Shows and TV Movies are upcoming programs from the guide.
Shows, Movies and Episodes are existing recordings in the Library.

I suggest that there should be a more obvious way to differentiate what is upcoming and existing. Perhaps a change in the descriptive headings for each tab, or an upper set of tabs bracketing Upcoming, and Library.

The following is what I see when searching for a particular title which exists in all five tabs:
TV Shows:

TV Movies:




Totally agree. I have just posted almost exactly the same on another thread.

Yep. I saw your post this morning, Geoff. I thought that your "Also" part about the search results was important enough to warrant a separate post. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. It’s a bit confusing with the results mixed together like that. I agree, having a clearer distinction between upcoming shows and existing recordings would help a lot. Maybe adding labels like "Upcoming" or "Library" at the top or changing the tab titles would make it easier to navigate. Thanks for pointing that out!