Show Icons Not Displaying

Since the last update (2021.10.25.1801), none of my icons are showing.

Any recommendations on how to fix this?

Have you tried with the latest pre-release version?
Channels Pre-Release

It says up-to-date. Is 2021.10.25.1801 the latest release available?

I deleted TVE from my source and was going to add it again. Now I'm getting a login page not found from Xfinity (posted in the Xfinity thread). My username has 2FA disabled and no billing access. Not sure why it won't connect.

Right now, the latest is

Is there a way to force update to this? When I click the dropdown menu and choose pre-release, it says I'm up-to-date (with the 2021.10.25.1801 release).

Strange. I would restart the server and try again. Or restart the package or contanier if it's running in one of those.

Yea, I've done that several times (it's running on my Synology NAS).

Sounds like it lost internet access or is being blocked by something.
What does this look like?
Support > Troubleshooting

Thanks, that was it! I think it was due to a router upgrade that may have knocked out IPv6 on my Synology NAS (which doesn't work well anyhow). I turned off IPv6 and back on and it worked. It's downloading the latest update. Weird that even rebooting my NAS didn't fix it.

TV shows are displaying icons now.

Unfortunately, still can't login to TVE (Channels is reporting Xfinity as "no login form found").

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After you update to the latest pre-release, when adding Xfinity back, press and HOLD the Login button.

Unfortunately, that didn't help. I think Xfinity has changed its login page.

Thank you for all your help by the way!

If you haven’t already, I would recommend submitting diagnostics after attempting to add xfinity TVE.

I did. Waiting on a response.