Anyone sign up yet?
Appears to be just a mailing list
I'm guessing it's just a mailing list for newsletters and their marketing dept.
They created a new section on their forum for it Silicondust - Forgelink Forums
It appears to be a new product that S.D is going to offer.
"Cards encoded with security features for identification purposes; Network cards; Security token hardware; Computer network switches; Computer hardware, namely, wireless access point (WAP) devices; LAN (local area network) access points for connecting network computer users"
It will be posted in the Channels community within minutes of the email going out. I have zero interest in being added to an SD mailing list.
Who cares about mailing list? U can always unsubscribe.
Or just use a junk email address for such things, what i have been doing for decades for random forms, promos, online accounts on sites i only ever use once, or not care about etc...
Though their sign up form, asking for mailing address.... as if they intend to send you a product to test maybe? or just send some random thing... who knows.
But it don't bother me at all, since, S.D. already has my email and address, from support requests and RMA's i have done.
You know, for DRM...
(Borrowing heavily from "You know, for kids!"
@maddox Are you trying to tell us something by moving my post from General to Hardware?
Do you know what it is?
I just assume it’s hardware. Right?
My current theory. This will be new hardware that meet drm requirements.
Guess again
Forgelink is a new type of product for us, not TV related.
Trademark registration reveals more info on what it is
7 months later and Forgelink is still listed as coming soon. I'm getting flashbacks of the Prime 6 that was announced but never materialized.
Prime 6 and DRM recording.
While the Prime 6 never came to be, there was the commercial TECH3-CC, while for all intents and purposes was a Prime 6. (Essentially it was a rackmount dual–Prime that supports the same features of the current DEV models, but also allowed for static IPs, scripting, and multicast.)
Yeah, this long–promised feature is what initially soured me to SD's support. Their removal of DRM live viewing from clients, and then only a small re-introduction of it while still not re-implementing it on all clients was another. Their faulty ethernet firmware for the Prime (and the interim inability to reply to support tickets, or outright removing them) was another. And their software still cannot even start and function without an active internet connection was the last straw.
Forgelink is clearly in the vaporware bin right now. They let both NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) as well as CES trade shows pass without a murmur.
Their latest efforts in the past year seem to be on MDU rollouts and (reselling?) CDN services for the same.
I want to be proven wrong, but my experiences with SD over the past decade has shown that they don't really care too much about the consumer; they just know they have a captive market because there are really any comparable products on the market.
I both agree and disagree. They helped me replace 2 HDhomeruns, one at no cost to me and the other at a discount. The one for free was about 2-3 months out of warranty(which most companies I've dealt with would say that's your problem and offer only full price to replace) and the other was almost 3 years out of warranty and they Initially tried to fix it for $35 and when I had to buy new one the discount they offered offset the price of the cost they charged me to fix the old one.
So I agree they've falling way short of things they've said they would do(and I backed the Kickstarter for the DRM) they aren't completely without care.
I know this is just one anecdotal story, but that's IMHO.
They have a years-long issue of not communicating on in-progress (or endlessly vaporware) products. They got lucky with ATSC3 handing them a new product, but the non-action on DRM speaks volumes. I wonder how healthy they are, to be honest. ForgeLink not appearing in any form isn't a good sign. Amazon being out of stock on the ATSC3 HDHR isn't, either.
Their forum overmoderation is also ridiculous.
Well to be fair this forum isn't exactly a free flow of ideas lol
Not even in same ballpark, although it's not quite as open as it used to be (get off my lawn)
There are plenty of complaints on Android feature drifting, ATSC3, purple GUI, etc. They live on, although maybe not responded to, with vigor, but they're here.
SD would remove them citing "FUD" and probably ban the user.