Skipped recording keeps the program from recording again via pass

Continuing the discussion from Why does this Movie and some others not record:

Aman already said he will look into it Cancelled recording keeps the program from recording again via pass - #5 by tmm1
Just documenting the current behavior for a Skipped recording.

Even if the pass specifies Re-record deleted episodes

DVR v2023.06.16.2040

Created pass 'Carnival Eats S07E01 test' to record Carnival Eats - S07E01 - Smokey and the Slamwich
Enabled Re-record deleted episodes

Pass shows two Matches are airing
06/18 17:00 30min COOK 203
06/18 21:00 30min COOK 203


2023/06/18 11:28:59.382632 [DVR] Rule 'Carnival Eats S07E01 test' (677) found 1 new airings
2023/06/18 11:28:59.432957 [DVR]   queued recording job for EP019509620130 @ Sun Jun 18 5:00:00PM on ch=[203] (1687132800-677)
2023/06/18 11:29:00.224294 [DVR] Waiting 5h30m59.775716264s until next job 1687132800-677 Carnival Eats

/dvr/programs "EP019509620130": "queued-1687132800-677",

After changing the scheduled 5pm recording from Queued to Skipped, it still shows as queued
/dvr/programs "EP019509620130": "queued-1687132800-677",

I assume it's queued to be Skipped and will change to Skipped after the scheduled recording time has passed and that the scheduled job will be deleted at 5:30pm

After the 5pm scheduled recording time passed, /dvr/programs changed to skipped

2023/06/18 17:00:00.005128 [DVR] Skipping job 1687132800-677 Carnival Eats

/dvr/programs "EP011117850134": "skipped",

Pass still shows 9pm airing Queued
Carnival Eats test - Pass5_202306181746
Schedule still shows 5pm airing Skipped

Since the 9pm airing isn't scheduled in /dvr/jobs, I doubt it will record. I'll edit the post again after the 9pm airing is over

9:07pm and nothing new in the log
/dvr/programs still shows "EP011117850134": "skipped",
Pass No longer shows any airings
Carnival Eats test - Pass6_202306182107
Schedule still shows 5pm airing Skipped

I've noticed this behavior as well.

Similar to that and likely related is when recordings in process cause a "Queued" status to appear in future instances of the same program. It typically happens when I start to record a show in progress and subsequently see one or more re-broadcasts of it in the future which I would prefer to have recorded from its beginning. Even when future listings of the show will appear to be "Queued" in the guide (while the current instance is recording), they never actually record unless I force them using "Record Again". Otherwise, I end up with only the partial recording I started with originally.

Every time I trash a recording in progress after viewing it and seeing it is the wrong recording it marks it as skipped.

Appears that trashing an in progress recording is the same as Stop recording/Cancel recording.

Also when recording with HDMI and say you wind up capturing the wrong channel ... you are in the same boat you cancel it ... it marks it as skipped. I am capturing from XFINITY Stream and once in a while the script does not tune correct channel, so I am in the same boat no matter what I record with.

I guess it must be too difficult to put it here where it would make sense.
When you find a recording isn't what you scheduled, you're looking at the recording so it makes sense to have the option there to Mark as not recorded so the pass can re-record it.

It would be simple with a Pass with Record all even deleted should bypass skipped Canceled etc ... cannot get more simpler than that.

Re-record deleted has its place, but is not a fix all.

I want to skip single airings of programs and not have them skipped forever.
Maybe options to 'only skip this airing' or 'always skip this'
Currently if I want to 'always skip this', I use curl Mark as Recorded.

I want a deleted program to still be marked as recorded, not skipped. Pretty sure that is what re-record deleted depends on where the recorded file and /dvr/files entry are deleted, but it stays in /dvr/programs as "EP# / MV# / SH#": "recorded-FileID".

If I cancel (stop recording) an in progress recording, it should be marked 'cancelled' and 'only skip this airing' so it doesn't try to record the cancelled airing, but will record later airings. That does not mean it was deleted, it isn't until you delete it.

Skipping, cancelling and deleting recordings are three different things and each have scenarios for use. They should not be lumped together.

I continue to have issues with Pass recordings being skipped. Two episodes of the Today Show were skipped this week while two recorded as configured.

Please submit diagnostics from your Channels DVR Server web admin. Or check the logs looking for those recordings to see why they were skipped.

Do you have them set as new only or record all? The new tag is often a guide data issue.

I already have some movies recorded from a different Channels DVR that got corrupted I imported them and everything went fine but now I want to mark them as recorded but in the schedule the only option is skip or edit...

I'm guessing that even though you imported them, Channels DVR is still trying to record the same movies you imported, because your imports are assigned TMDB program ID's and EPG/recordings use Gracenote program ID's.

So From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) gets a TMDB ID when imported, but Gracenote guide data sees a different Gracenote ID for it in the guide data, so Channels thinks it's "Not the same movie".

Has nothing to do with the Topic Title.

They are shown as already recorded I went a different route. When matched to Gracenote all my imported media.

Why is Gracenote not default import for movies - Channels DVR Server - Channels Community (

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