Small/inconspicuous outdoor antenna recommendations?

I'm looking for an outdoor antenna that is small and wouldn't be noticed by HOA. The location has great visibility to the TV tower, so even one of those flat indoor antennas would work but I need something weatherproofed.

You can get a Mohu Blade for pretty cheap, I think they may be paintable as well, with your HOA's favorite pre-approved shades of bland.

As long as you install the antenna within your own "exclusive use" area, such as on your patio/balcony, and it does not extend beyond the imaginary box of that area, the HOA cannot stop you. (There's a 90s–era law on the books about not restricting access to OTA broadcasts. I worked in property management, and had to enlighten the draconian landlords that their restrictions were illegal.)

However, if you want to avoid the hassle of fighting the HOA and filing a petition with the FCC, I imagine an indoor window/wall style antenna protected by an eave/overhang may work.

Also, while on the expensive end of the spectrum, antennas geared towards RVs can be quite inconspicuous and don't necessarily resemble an "antenna".

I use Mohu Ranger, indoors, mounted above a bedroom window, hidden behind curtains.
It's, not exactly small, but flat, rubbery, paint over able.
Not sure if it still available though.
Those "Leaf" versions, smaller, and stick to a window, i have heard decent results from.

Really depends on what frequency and distance. I’m 30 miles away but need Hi-VHF for my ABC affiliate so difficult to get a small sized one

Televes DiNova


+1 it is one of the few powered antennas that will work unpowered. Sounds like you won’t need powered.

Small (16"x13"x4"), good for VHF lo & hi and UHF

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Channel Master has a $20 indoor worth trying. Put one at my daughter's house and gets all the local channels.

FLATenna - Indoor TV Antenna | Channel Master

If you have an attic and a way to run the coax to your tuner box that works great.
I have a $17 Onn rabbit ears in the attic up high on a stiff 10' PVC pole, attached with velcro.
I can catch a station 40 miles away but all my locals are within 15 miles or so.
If you do have an attic and have old cable coax wiring to most rooms
you could use one of those old cable lines to get the rabbit ear signal down into the house
and to your network / Tuner box,
or run a new coax following the Modem coax.

Yep. I use this both at home, and as a portable setup for tailgating. Small, works on both UHF/VHF, and the Televes hardware is really good.

@tmm1 telecommunications act of 1996. Supercedes any HOA rule. You do not have to seek approval or submit any justification to them.
The OTARD law gives you the right to install antennas1717rwh_gaei1IMFoyaFlpbzF5clk5Y2QwNlNjcjNKVVZoLUpxN1EzcF90Q2dWUldoSFRpVllTRmZfQ1BEem1uRDAxODQzWQ.._ga_9EXDEZ2LGK*MTcwNzc1MzA5MS4xLjEuMTcwNzc1MzA5MS4wLjAuMA..


+1 I have an HOA and have this on top of my roof, I have had no issues at all. Great antenna.

There is "legally I'm allowed to" and "Let's piss off the HOA and see what kind of living hell they can make my life."

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I need an outdoor antenna. The location is on the roof and is not part of my property.

Beyond that, there are exceptions in OTARD for MDUs, which is likely the situation Aman is dealing with. If there is a building-wide antenna already on the roof, or if the installation protrudes/exceeds his "exclusive use area", then the HOA can deny the antenna installation.

It all depends upon what the CC&Rs state, and how much you want to deal with/fight the HOA.

I wish you luck, Aman.

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Before I found an old (yet working perfectly fine) antenna in the darkest corner of my attic, I used a rather-inconspicuous Antop for tuning into the locals. It's laying horizontally on a shelf in my office, and it worked pretty well for years. Here's Antenna Man's review. It's rated for indoor use only however.

Bouncing around on Amazon I found this one though, might be worth a shot?

I recently added this into my attic. Great reception and very small compared to most outdoor antennas.

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880+ Miles sorry no way due to the curvature of the earth.... now if the earth was flat it might work.

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I can’t recommend this antenna enough. It’s great, I get all the ATSC 3.0 channels as well, but I don’t care for that. I live in an HOA and my CC&Rs says as long as it’s not huge it’s allowed to be on my roof.