(SOLVED) "Tuner Not Available" for TVE Channels

I cannot tune in TVE channels through the iOS app, Apple TV, or web interface. I get a "Tuner Not Available" message on a black screen.

Synology Server running Channels DVR 1.0.4
Running DVR 3.2.35 on Apple TV

Local OTA channels work fine.

I've rebooted all devices. Even deleted and reinstalled the TVE profile.

Any ideas what's happening?


Does the Log tab of the DVR show errors?

Thanks for mentioning the log. The disk is full. I deleted several recordings and everything is functioning properly.

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The disk being full could be caused by the new Trash Feature.

Where can I find info on the new trash feature? First I've heard of this. Thanks.

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Perhaps the "Move to Trash" feature could be enhanced, so that if the disk is full, it automatically deletes the oldest recording in the Trash folder. I'd rather lose something that's already in the trash than miss a recording of something new.

Please press and hold on the Check for Updates button. We added that exact feature in the latest DVR prerelease. It will automatically delete anything from the trash if you have less than 20GB free.

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@eric just wondering about the trash purge feature in pre-release right now. Does it delete the trash items one at a time until at least 20GB are free? It’s not doing an empty all I assume but was just curious. I love the trash feature despite some of the hate from others I think it was the absolute right move and the quick improvements have been excellent! I do think the trash might drive some improvements to the storage space bar in the UI. Maybe some coloration to indicate how much is saved videos vs space consumed by the trash? Just a thought. Thanks for the awesome support!

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Yes, it's doing exactly that. It will delete the items starting with the one that was deleted first until it gets to over 20GB free.

That's certainly something we've kicked around. At this point we don't pre-cache this size data and don't want to slow down loading of the page, so we didn't want to do this, but it's something we think would be useful for users.