Something went wrong

How do I do that?

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Either Control Panel Shared Folder edit permissions or File Station edit permissions.
Example here Updated to DSM 7 and Channels for DSM 7 Beta Movies do not import - #6 by gjcamp73

OK. What I'm seeing for the Shared Folder called ChannelsDVR is admin and I didn't have R/W permissions. So, I checked the boxes for these and saved the settings.

See the example I posted above.
Channels DVR on Synology DSM 7 runs as System Internal User channels
That user needs permission to access any directory outside its installed location.

Now what??? Refreshing the admin/settings for the Synology doesn't seem to indicate the data has been as yet integrated into the server. What do I need to do now?

I don't understand what you said.
Did you read the post I linked?

You need to login to your Synology as an admin user.
Grant at least READ permission to the channels user to access the folder you copied the backups into.
Are you at all familiar with using the DSM on Synology, or is this all new to you.

When I look at the settings for ChannelsDVR I see the following:

I believe all of this was set up for me when I performed the installation of the spk.

Could you screenshot what you see in the Database folder in the Synology interface vs the Channels backup restore interface?

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OK, so the user has permissions.

What does the folder ChannelsDVR/Database look like in File Station?

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DVR was the folder I copied from the Shield.

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Inside the Database folder

Sounds like maybe you need to select DVR then Database inside there from the Channels restore UI

@tmm1 is correct. You need to restore from that DVR/Database folder you copied over.

OK. As a newbie...I don't wish to screw this up but tell me how to do perform a restore and from where?

Was that the .../restore link tmm1 provided?


Sorry for asking but that page indicates using a Restore Wizard. Is that what I'm looking for somewhere?
That's what I had fail on me earlier...and no longer see.

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Use the restore link he gave you.
What fails/doesn't work, what do you see?
From the article I linked just above
Note: If you have already set up your new Channels DVR Server fresh and would like to restore from your migrated data directory, you can get to the Welcome Screen directly by visiting http://SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8089/welcome.

Use that or the link he gave you to start restoring.
I assume you know that you have to replace the x.x.x.x in that link with the IP address of the Synology?

When I visit I see

I then open Volume1/ChannelsDVR/Database and see

So now I'm not clear on how to "install" anything. Seems this backup location was maybe a dummy when the code was installed?

You need to pick the directory you put them in.