Sony TV Local dimming not engaging with Player


HA! I figured out what causes the issue! Local dimming works with Hardware Decoder and it doesn't work with Hybrid or Software Decoder. This explains where to look now BUT this doesn't line up with why MPV player in Software is working fine.

Ahh... And we can't use the Hardware Decoder due to the other buffering issues. One solution creates another problem. :grinning:

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Maybe that’s why I never noticed it on my Sony. I never use the built-in app and I also have hardware decoding enabled.

No kidding right! I don't understand why the mpv player which this player is based off of doesn't do it in software decoder mode. One thing I did notice in the MPV Player is that whenever the on screen display comes up that Local dimming turns off but in Channels that doesn't happen so I don't know if that's a spot to look. :man_shrugging:t2:

Makes sense.... :+1:t3:

Will this get chased or ignored?

It’s not a priority at this time.

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That sucks to hear....

Edit: I will digress as my comment was not meant to be a "personal attack" I'm just frustrated.

@tmm1 @maddox @eric I am sorry if my frustration came across as a personal attack.... It was not.

This is a really disappointing remark.

As software developers we do have a priority list. Our list is long and it's scrutinized. Each item has a value and we're the ones with all of the information on how to value them.

We are open and transparent about our priorities here because we love our community. Most everyone here respects the fact that we probably have a lot of information to base our priorities on, and they understand that.

Because of this, we have no issues being transparent about things and giving everyone credit that they'll understand our plans.

Would you rather us just stop responding to things like this? Comments like this make us question our transparency.


I am grateful for your transparency, I really am, most business are not. I don't understand your plans because I have not seen them. I see you working a lot on the AppleTV app adding features and making changes that's great. Now if someone said to me, right now we are working to improve the new Apple release and then we will work on fixing your issue as we integrate into our Anrdoid ecosystem then that is a totally different answer.

I for one am very transparent which makes me open and honest about what I feel. I spend hours trying to find why I have an issue. I spend hundreds of dollars trying to improve things here at home to make sure I fully comply with the requirements of the services I use because I want to make it easy for myself and my family to use the devices I put in front of them. I also ike trying to figure out why I am seeing what I see to help you guys narrow it, Logs, Videos, Photos, etc....whatever it takes....

I have a minor/annoying problem (Random Video Freezes multiple times an hour on Live and TVE) with the Android TV app that was mostly solved by TMM1 adding the Hybrid/Software decoding option. Adding that option introduced a different but major problem which is Local dimming. This causes the image to be washed out and blacks not to be blacks. I spent hours trying to find the culprit and I narrowed it down in both instances.
Work-ability/reliability is the most important to me and they may not line up with the priority list you guys have.... understandable as I'm one person and you have thousands I'm sure. We both want the same thing!

No response is worse than a response I don't like but that also could be the other way around. I don't think you would want every person here to just be passive and deal with whatever like we are children and just need to deal?

Just because u pay for something, doesn't mean you are so entitled to get what you want all the time. Or that what u pay for is up to your standards and has no issues with your hardware and use case.

The maker and provider of the service has no obligation to put your issues ahead of anyone else. Or to set aside their production plans to service a small group of users that have a compatibility issue with just one feature that does not effect the core function of the service. But, it also is not a good thing if they just calllusly dismiss your issues...which they have not done. They have been more than enough response and tried to help you for each of your Sony issues. But even they will need to give up and move on at some point.

From my point of view, yes, you are very much forthcoming and transparent with your issues...but there is such a thing as being too much so. U sometimes, come across as over entitled and pushy to get the Channels Devs to fix your issues for your Sony TV. Proven by your statement and the response by the dev for that statement.

You have succeeded in proving that Sony TVs suck with Channels DVR.
You have brought to light some very valid issues that need hammering out at some point, if and when they deam them a priority enough.
But, all u seem to find is more and more issues in regards to Sony TVs...
At some-point, you are just either just deal with the issues, or get a different tv??

I too have some issues that I would like to see fixed with Channels and my Nvidia Shield.
(Having to use Hybrid Decode for certain SD stations, Surround Sound option fixed, and a few other nit picky things) But i am not constantly pestering the devs asking when are they gonna fix it, they need to fix it fast cause i paid to use their software. (Though, we all have our moments of getting upset and frustrated and lashing out....)

Do not mean to attack u or to defend Channels, this is just how i, a third party and fellow user, sees and interpret your posts on these topics over time.

I am another Sony OLED TV owner and I understand where you are coming from in this not being a top priority. I can't say what the split is between Android and Apple TV users, but Sony TV's are likely only a small percentage of the Android userbase (Does this issue also exist on non-Sony TV's? If so, that might change things a bit.). I'm sure your prioritization takes into account the number of impacted users and the severity of the issue, among other things. As a solutions architect that manages a long list of features for our delivery teams, I definitely understand the challenges in working on the right tasks and trying to keep everyone happy.

This particular issue is not a showstopper for me. It is unfortunate that one of the main selling points of an expensive OLED TV is not being utilized, but in many cases I probably wouldn't notice the difference. So while I would appreciate the problem being addressed, and I hope that maybe it can be looked into when the time is right, I certainly understand that there are more pressing issues at the moment.

I do appreciate the transparency and responsiveness here on the forum and I hope that will continue.

Entitled is a strong word but when you pay for a service that is even shown on their website as fully supporting I think I can stand with a strong stance...sure.

I think I explained that as well but I don't agree. If you have 100 features that don't fully work for most is that better than 50 features that work 100% for all? I also have multiple issues that were compounded by other changes that were made.

I change your opinion but you are also judging my personality of words on a screen. I'm sorry you feel that way.

The Sony TV does not suck, when I pay 6 thousand dollars for a TV that works great with every other app, I don't think getting another brand TV is the answer. The Channels implementation needs work. I also think you are confusing issues I reported that are not only a problem on the Sony. The buffering issue happens on the Sony, The FireTV and the Apple TV. I have since dropped that while I make changes to my network equipment to try and improve this. The black level issue is something new.

Yes those are minor and I have changed the same settings you have as well. The minor issue that was fixed by adding the Decoder options caused a major issue which I have since moved back to the Hardware Decoder. There is a big different between these issues.

I'm not offended but I think you are defending Channels and attacking me but that's ok. These are trying times.

This is something I most certainly cannot agree with. Sony TV's are best in class and provide an amazing picture. Apparently there are some bugs or intricacies that are problematic for Channels, but that doesn't change my opinion of Sony TV's, especially when my TV works perfectly well for every other use case that I have. I'm not blaming that on Channels devs, as it is obvious that there have been some challenges with Sony TV's, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Sony TV again.

Hopefully over time more of these issues can be addressed, not only with Sony TV's, but also with the Shield decoder, surround sound, etc.

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I don't have an Sony OLED but are seeing the raised black on the OLED as well using the optional decoder?
I don't own any other TVs that have the Android TV built-in and Android TV external device are not included with this problem.

I agree with you.

Sony does not make the raw OLED panels....LG does.
U can find the same raw panels in LG tvs.
I know this, cause I was a repair tech at Best Buy and have torn apart many model tvs for various reasons.
You can also find online articles stating this.
Samsung is the top manufacture of OLED\QLED panels anyways, cost of those type tvs are different.

Agree 110%. I'm not blaming the Devs either although I think I am being herd that way. They take offense and that's ok as they own their work. Anything I work hard on is personal as well. I hope they know I 100% respect what they have done and what they are doing. If I didn't give a crap I would just leave.

Yes they make most of the OLED panels for Consumer TVs including their own, Sony, Panasonic and others. As you should know, the Panel is not the only aspect of making a great TV.

Samsung doesn't make OLED panels for consumer TVs nor do they sell OLED TVs.

Don't matter how much u pay for something...or how good it looks...if you can't use it for what u want to use it for...then that negates how "good" it is.

Yes, and that has made things go beyond confusing.
But all seem focused around the Sony TV.

Are you hearing yourself? an 80 dollar a year app... negates a 6k TV that works great with most other apps, devices and programs?

...or Channels

Honestly, you have no stake in this thread. This thread is about Sony's Android TV local dimming using the Hybrid/Software decoder.

This statement and contextual scope of what i responded to.
That is specific statement implicating that you pay for service (Channels DVR) and
expect it to be fully supported on Sony Bravia TVs in general. Outside this specific feature issue.

Clearly, fixing the quirks of using Channels DVR app on this affected specific Sony TVs are "not a priority at this time". You can certainly keep making new threads for ever new issue you find and they will add them to the list, but so far, all i see is the same answer in the end. It is not something they intend to shift focus to at present.

It can, if that is the one app that u want to or must use. Is there any other AIO home dvr software that supports TVE like Channels? Please let me know. If other apps work better for you, then use them....until Channels app is "fixed" to work for you.

I first bought a Roku to use for TV, and it was not supported for Channels and had issues with Emby i went researched on here what IS recommend for client devices and got one of those.

Building a $10K gaming computer, won't make GTAV run any better than a $500 computer. How much $ ones spends on a piece of hardware, most often makes no difference in how a separate software will run on you have experienced.

I am pretty sure that the Channels Devs are not about to run out and buy a $6K TV just to be hands on and fix their software issues on it. And I also assume you won't be donating one to them. So until then, as far as thread goes, u have your answer/solution. And topic thread can be closed. @eric