Source filtering for Client side?

Is there any plans to add source guide filtering to the client side of Channels? I see it's on the server side in the guide. But it would be nice if I could do the same on the client as well.

This is a server side function and won’t be available in the client.

Just use Server Side Settings to control your client this way.

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I wanted that too for a bit, and then Channel Collections came out, which changed the whole game:

That only filters on the list on the server guide display, not the clients, right?

Maybe it’s not quite clear what you are asking for. The terms you used are sort of vague.

Maybe describe what you’re after in more detail.

You would need to create Channel Collections for each source and set those for the client via Server Side Settings

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Will there be the same option on the client side, to view a set source of channels like I can on the server side in the guide?

Yes, once you create a Channel Collecfion for it, as explained above, and assign that Channel Collection to your client(s)

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