Sports Channel Recording Priority

Thanks. I did what you suggested and looks like it should work!

Much better solution than mine!

I'm trying to set this up as well, am I to understand that this will only record the game on the channel with highest priority? Or will it create multiple recordings for each of the channels the game is broadcast on?

Yes, this is the correct behavior. By default each program is only recorded once.

Perfect. Thanks for answering! Also, do you know what happens if you don't do anything but have one pass? How does Channels determine which channel to record the game on?

NCAA Football Semifinals are coming up and the Guide Show 3 Broadcast of the Games. ESPN 6140 Is showing the Traditional while the other ESPN2 and ESPNU will broadcasting alternatives. I want the traditional recording but Channels is not allowing Channel 6140. Only 6141 and 6142. How to force this recording to record the required channel.

I Created a advanced pass but Channels does not show airings for ESPN 6140

Because it's a Sporting event you need to search Title, not EpisodeTitle.
Title CONTAINS CFP Semifinal

The name of the Show/Series is "College Football"
EventTitle has the Teams "Cincinnati vs. Alabama"

I find it helpful before limiting a pass to a channel to make sure it works first.
Even if you remove Channel == 6140, it won't work.

I think they need to do a better presentation of Sporting events.
Looking at listings it's hard to tell what is Title and EventTitle.
To find the College Football Bowl games, you need to search EventTitle.
SeriesID == 191261
Tags == New
EventTitle CONTAINS Bowl

I tired this and still ESPN 6140 does not show. Looking at schedule it still wants to record 6141. There just no way to force this recording. When you search this Event does not show. If you Search Bowl, Nothing. I've even created a series pass from the guide and this is what it shows.

That's because the airings on ESPN-6140 start 10 minutes later than the ones on 6141 and 6142.
Maybe try excluding those other channels?

This works for me

SeriesID == 191261
Tags == New
Channel > 6139
Channel < 6141

I know, Aaaarrrgh. It's a PITA

If it is going to ignore Channels== why even have it ? seems kinda useless in the example above.

It's not ignoring it.
The coverage on 6140 starts 10 minutes later than the other channels.

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It is useless if Channels== 6141 means it can record on any channel it is useless.. To me Channel == means just that. Only record on that channel.

Is there perhaps any other rule that might preempt your exclusionary one?

If you have a SeriesID based rule, other than the one excluding the other channels, it may have higher priority.

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this should be addressed to Kenny I was referring to his example.

@racameron is correct.
You have another pass causing it to record from 6141.

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I should not have to create a pass to manually record a program. If the current passes going to record the other channel then, Should be able to click on the progam and hit record. But it wants to record from 6141. Should not have to delete other passes to record my desired program on desired network.