Start Up Channel Not The Last Channel Watched

According to the description on the Start Up Options section of the guide, it states for Start Up Channel,

Set it to Default to have it play the last channel you watched.

I've tried different things like setting the appropriate settings both server-side and client-side; however, no matter what, the channels that keeps loading first is the very first channel on my guide's listing. Could this be a bug with Android devices or am I just doing something wrong?

The setup that I've tried both server-side and client-side is as follows:

  • General > Start Up > Start Up Section = Live TV
  • General > Start Up > Start Up Channel = Default (Server-side, there's no Default option, only None)
  • General > Start Up > Set Section On = I've tried both App Launch and App Launch & Resume

Because of this undesired behavior, I have Start Up Section set to Guide to prevent my family members from getting annoyed with me. Even the Guide doesn't seem to remember the last selected channel. Every time I launch the app, the very first channel that's at the top of the category's list (HD in my case) gets selected. I keep having to scroll down to the channels I watch often. I know I could set favorites, but this just seems like an unintended behavior.

Could someone please tell me if what I'm experiencing is a bug or is the description in the guide just inaccurate? Please let me know if you need more information or screenshots.

Thanks in advance.

I've given up on waiting on a solution and discovered today that Emby does a fantastic job with Live TV. Channels DVR is pretty awesome in general for many things; however, the TV watching experience just lacking. With Emby, I get pretty much the same features that Channels DVR (and what I used to use, Live Channels), but with a better UX and a bit more.

  • Want to view the guide while a show is still playing? Just push the Up button on your remote. No need to press the back button, like in Channels, which causes what you're watching to stop playing and doesn't require the use of PIP, which doesn't even work well to begin with.
  • Want to go to a channel using a number pad on your remote? Just type it in while viewing the guide or watching a show.
    • While watching a show, an On Now navigation will appear, so you know what show is currently playing on that channel
    • While on the guide, you get jumped to the channel
  • Want the last channel watched to appear immediately when launching the app? Yup, that actually works in Emby as well.

I really wanting to love Channels DVR, but it's really been a painful experience not only for myself but for my entire family. They were loving Live Channels, but sadly we had to look for something else. Maybe if you can fix the issues and improve the UX, I'll consider returning. But for anyone else who's been running into similar struggles with a Live TV experience, just know that you have other options.

Also, I did try Jellyfin, and the UX on that for watching live TV is comparable to Plex... and if you've used Plex to watch live TV, it really isn't that great of an experience either.

The faster you realize that the channels DVR front end is just a simple cable box replacement, the faster you will move on.

Channels is the equivalent of an old scientific Atlanta cable box from 1999 in an app form.

There has been no indication that they care to modernize it. It’s buggy and it’s getting outdated and technical support here is pretty much gone (waiting for someone to chime in again and say the same thing that been said for 8 years: but there are only 3 developers!)

The server is the killer feature here.

Doesn't work for me either. Just tunes to the first channel in my list.