Station ID for out-of-USA EPG

I'm using a custom m3u for some channels and it works great once you find the correct station_id as suggested here. All I need is:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="tenishd" tvc-guide-stationid="60316",TENISHD

...and channel name, logo, guide, etc. appears. Now, what if the url points to a European channel (no Gracenote, no Zap2it...)? How do I find the station_id so Channels DVR downloads the correct guide?

Easier to use the UI to set it afterwards.

Wow! Just amazing. Thanks.

Have to say, this pretty much solves the problem for those with HDHRs at different locations; if you have UniFi networks at both, a simple site-to-site VPN gives you full access to streams. I'm guessing network architecture is smart enough to not route the local stream through the remote network at each location?

Data caps are the only concern for this non-transcoding scenario.

Great job again!