Stirr for Channels

There is something else wrong. For whatever reason, channels dvr can't connect to the stirr docker. Make sure it's running and make sure you can access the web page for the docker/stirr. You can manually try the m3u from there too.

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Nothing is wrong when I access it from the webpage. If I delete ".m3u" from playlist, save, go back in and add ".m3u" back, it works with 100% success rate. Just reloading does not work though.

Both Bonanza and The Lucy Show started their runs in Black and White and converted to color in later years.

Not true about Bonanza. It's early hook was that it was entirely shot in color. RCA sponsored the show to be shot in color because RCA wanted to sell this new thing called color televisions.

Could be true about Lucy. First season- 1962-63- shot in B&W but all later seasons shot in color.

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I guess I got fooled by all the publicity stills and stuff floating around in black and white. And the fact that I originally watched the series on a black and white set. :slight_smile:

4 posts were split to a new topic: DVR XMLTV generation issue

Hello, I'm still loving this "hack." It is working so well. It's terrific to have bonus channels to mix in with the rest. Thanks again to Robbiet480 for coding it.

As I understand it- which is borderline barely- this docker container is based on the Pluto one... which is also fantastic. I have both running on Synology NAS hardware.

One peculiar difference is that this one seems to have a rolling "local port." Every day or two, the location of the EPG rolls +3-8 more port numbers from where it was last. For example, if local port is 32800 today, within a day or two it is going to be 32805 or so. And a few days later, it will be 32811 or so. The Pluto container doesn't do this. It is "at" the same Local Port for many weeks since I installed it.

Why does this matter? Local Port points to the EPG. So when it changes, it seems the EPG will not update until I go in and change the Port Number to the new one in Channels Settings.

Any way to make this part of things work like the Pluto container- that is, consistently stick with a port number? What I think is happening is that this container is restarting every day or two (maybe updates every day or two). The last one is showing it has been running for 4 hours and port number is different than it was yesterday. The Pluto container right above shows it has been running for 41 days.

If anyone has a solution I can apply, I'd welcome a for-dummies, step-by-step to do whatever needs to be done. Else, if this is simply an evolving program that is updated regularly and thus this port number will need to keep updating until the code is fully perfected, I'll keep rolling with manually updating port numbers for EPG calls in Channels settings.

Thanks for any help if there's anything I can do.

Thankfully I don't have that issue. I am running docker on a Windows 10 (mini)PC.

I'm running on a Raspberry Pi. Here is the step-by-step for port 8181 (which never changes):

  1. docker stop stirr-for-channels

  2. docker rm stirr-for-channels

  3. docker pull robbiet480/stirr-for-channels

  4. docker run -d --dns --restart unless-stopped --name stirr-for-channels -p 8181:80 robbiet480/stirr-for-channels


In the container settings you can set the container port. I am using docker on Synology and mine has never changed when defined that way.

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Thanks to all 3 of you for getting back to me.

Macnbaish, I'm trying your suggestion. I was able to find that screen and THINK I've successfully switched from what was "AUTO" settings to a hard set local port and container port (80). All looks right when comparing the result to the Pluto container, so we'll see what happens in the next few days. It seems logical enough that it will no longer change. If not, THANKS you so much for the reply!

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Macnbaish, again THANKS for your suggestion. 3 days in now and my Stirr port setting is still the same and all is working as expected. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. It looks like setting the Port Number in Synology works better than the default "auto" option.

Curiously, the Pluto container works the same way and is also "auto." Unlike the Stirr container, it doesn't seem to restart. For example, in that last post, it was running for 41 days as "auto". Nevertheless, for some kind of consistency, I went ahead and manually assigned a port number to it too. If nothing else, it makes it real quick- from memory- to check that both URLs lead to the pages that offer the EPGs.

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So we’ve been having internet issues, which suck. I’ve noticed something as a result, however. I’m running the store docker on a Synology NAS, and it seems that it crashes if it’s connection to the internet is flaky or down. I have the docker set to restart automatically and it’s crashed numerous time today when we were having sever packet loss. The internet stabilized a few hours ago and no crashes since. I had noticed random crashes before but never had anything to correlate it with, but it seems very likely now it’s related to inability to access the internet. Hopefully an easy bug fix.

Just wanted to say thanks!

great job!


Just installed Stirr yesterday. It was easy, painless. Only glitch I had was changing the port.

It is a wonderful companion to Channels. Thank you.

Ps. If you wanted to do any other streaming docker containers. I would love to test them.

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can anyone show example of where the stirr cite id is placed?


I'd like to play a bit with the Stirr generation....where did you get the info on the api/structures? Thanks.

I notice when I DVR movies on the movie channels, they are saved as TV shows. So I have to move to the correct folder and so on.... any chance this could be tweaked for the Stirr movie channels kind of like Pluto does?


Anyone getting any error like this:

2022/01/28 21:42:40 STIRR_STATION_ID env var not set, attempting to auto detect local station

2022/01/28 21:42:40 Local station identified as national

2022/01/28 21:42:40 Beginning cache fill

2022/01/28 21:42:43 Found 108 channels in lineup, getting channel metadata and guide. This may take a moment.

2022/01/28 21:42:56 Error when filling cache unexpected end of JSON input

2022/01/28 21:45:43 STIRR_STATION_ID env var not set, attempting to auto detect local station

2022/01/28 21:45:43 Local station identified as national

2022/01/28 21:45:43 Beginning cache fill

2022/01/28 21:45:43 Found 108 channels in lineup, getting channel metadata and guide. This may take a moment.


2022/01/28 21:45:47 Error when filling cache unexpected end of JSON input

BTW national is the correct station ID form my state. It has been working just fine for awhile until today.

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