I am I missing something with naming folders and file?
Is this right DVR/Imports/TV/The Mandalorian/Season 1/1x1.strmlnk?
I am using a RaspPI4 and after a scan nothing shows up in the library.
I am I missing something with naming folders and file?
Is this right DVR/Imports/TV/The Mandalorian/Season 1/1x1.strmlnk?
I am using a RaspPI4 and after a scan nothing shows up in the library.
Sounds right to me, except maybe it should be 'The Mandalorian'
TV episodes would look like this:
Imports/TV/The Mandalorian/Season 1/1x01.strmlnk
Three ideas -
1 Make sure your server is up to date. They initially just supported Movies, so I was on an in between build and it didn't work.
2. Did you add DVR/Imports/TV as the TV import location? Have to add it separately from a Movie location.
3. Do you have your file extensions turned off? If so, you may be using a .strmlnk.txt file and not know it. File type has to be .strmlnk
I’m using the Channels Pi image, not sure that I have the option to adjust file extensions.
This is already starting to seem like to much work. LOL
Are you using Windows or Mac to create the files?
Using TextEdit, or something else?
I’m using a Pi 4 also. No problem seeing the media in the apps. But when I click watch, nothing happens. Is it working for you?
To be honest I gave up. The amount of time spent trying to get links working was not worth it. It’s a cool feature, but I could not get any files to show up.
With an AppleTV using the ATV app its kinda the same functionality to just search something and open the required app.
Do you guys have the streaming apps installed? Can you show us some of your urls in your links?
The feature is really simple. It just opens a url.
This is my link for Palmer:
“https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/palmer/umc.cmc.40qrv09i2yfh8iilyi4s8vfi” (quotes for purposes of displaying properly here)
Everything looks good, it just doesn’t call up the link upon pressing Watch.
And just to be sure, the streaming apps only need to be installed on the Apple TV and not the raspberry pi 4, correct?
No the server has nothing to do with it.
Maddox is absolutely correct and quite helpful - this should be a piece of cake. If you're having trouble, it's most likely user error. For me, I had either improperly saved the .strmlnk file as a .txt (but had hide extensions checked and didn't notice) or simply hadn't set up my subfolders properly (that was the case with the Palmer movie mentioned above). All is good now. Using TextEdit on macOS, it's quite simple.
In my case I cannot see any files with links on the Pi4. It could be user error, as I did not double check if the view was set to see all when I created them on Mac. But, as I said the benefit of this feature may just not be for me. We’ll see, I may revisit.
I am almost completely Mac less and use an iPad Pro as my primary daily device. The Mac is an old 2011 Mini so I barely use it. I could set up the mini as the server, but I was not happy with its performance.
Is it possible to link to a show and not the individual episodes. I tried adding this under tv but all the shows are grouped together like they are episodes of the same program.
I believe you can link just to the show without creating individual links for each episode. In the Apple Services Marketing Tool, the first link (before you select individual episodes) creates a stream link to the show. All the purchased episodes appear, on my iPad, below the show page. I select the episode that I want from the list and it plays.
Getting links to all episodes using itunesAPI should be straightforward for TV+
I'll try to test this feature with Science Go app.
As a side note I never thought people can have so much problem with TextEdit and saving plain text file. I know it's Apple fault because default setting is RTF file, but you can always open current finder foldr in terminal and do touch <filename>.<fileextension
or even better echo "content of text file" > filename.strmlnk
The only thing I am not understand correctly yet is how you get that link to specific content? in case of Netflix is it the direct link to video, or is it the link to the show page in Netflix?
No need to worry about naming and dealing with the files anymore with the release of Stream Link Manager for Channels!