Synology NAS - Docker Help

Much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough response.

Ill get Portainer installed stall.

Regarding the MLB container, I did get that to work. The reason is because Synology's stock Docker container will pull projects from Docker Hub, but unfortunately not everyone uses it for their projects.

Thanks again!

Although the answer from @bnhf is the best/simplest way to go, you can pull images from other repositories. Check the Help pages for Container Manager on your NAS or on their website

I am running ChannelsDVR on a Synology NAS as well. Do I need to install Docker on the NAS and run it there to create new channel source links? Or create the link anywhere and just upload to a certain location on the NAS?

I thought this may be the case as I ran the commands on Docker For Windows on a PC, created the sources, added them to Channels. Worked fine til I turned off the PC. Yes, I am a newbie to Docker.

You can run the Custom M3U Channels source dockers anywhere on your network.
I like running them on my NAS since it's up 7x24x365.

I do not see a Docker package to install on my NAS. What/how did you host the container on the NAS?

You need to have the Container Manager package on your Synology. Container Manager - Synology Knowledge Center to install and run docker containers.

There are multiple ways to install docker containers. Use the one you're most comfortable with.
I recommend installing portainer to use for pulling images, creating and updating containers using its stacks and docker compose.

Here are compose statements for the common Channels DVR docker containers you can use in portainer. A docker-compose for every Channels-related extension -- suitable for Portainer-Stacks!

If you install this Project, it will create the common Channels DVR containers and custom M3U channels sources for you. Project One-Click: All-in-One Installations of Docker Extensions and CDVR Custom Channels

It's called Container Manager now.

Unfortunately it appears my DSM version doesn't have it. Can I just create the links/files on a PC and then place them on the NAS somewhere for Channels to reference?

If you have an older NAS (like my older DS1513+), you can use the Docker package on it.

Did you Install the package. ?

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Synology Container Manager is for DSM v7.2.x
Synology Docker is for DSM v7.1.x

Synology has confirmed I can upgrade my DSM to 7.2 and then Docker and Container Manager will show up as packages to Install. Thanks for all the suggestions.

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Container manager is pretty nice.
I personally use a blend of container manager and command line through SSH to run different docker containers. The best part of Synology is that ist just works.

I did the upgrade to DSM 7.22. But still no Docker or Container Package available. So I have ordered a new NAS - DS220+ with Intel chip.

Does anyone know of an alternative "lite" container application that may work with the older DS218 "J" model NAS?

Ouch, you never said which model Synology you had. Most users run Channels DVR on a Plus series with Intel CPU.
If you would have looked at your data sheet
Or checked packages for your model
Or checked Container Manager model compatability
You would see your model isn't compatible with Docker or Container Manager.

None that I know of.

Actually, I have never had any issues with Channels on current NAS. But I just ordered a DS220+ with Intel chip, because I need a NAS that will run Docker (if Channels is going to be useful any longer).

I plan to move two HD's from old to new NAS. Synology has a pretty simple process to do so.

As for ChannelsDVR, do I need to do anything/change any settings after moving disks? Also, Channels will get new IP on different device. How do I navigate that? Thanks.

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If you can move the two HDD's from the old to new NAS and all data stays intact, then no.

Obviously if moving the drives requires reformatting, then you need to backup everything, setup the new nas, reinstall and restore.

I would do a database backup on your existing Channels DVR as a precaution, then stop the Channels DVR package before shutting down the old nas.

Not sure what you're asking.
You reach your DVR web admin UI at ip_address:port. If the ip_address changes you use the new ip_address. If you're using bonjour and/or remote access you will have to toggle them off, then back on, on the new nas.

Hopefully you read their knowledge article How do I migrate data between Synology NAS via HDD migration (DSM 6.0 and later)? - Synology Knowledge Center
and followed the links. A lot to read.

One of the things that stood out was this

Model   CPU Model                     Cores  Threads   FPU      Package Arch    RAM
DS218j  Marvell Armada 385 88F6820      2       2       ✓       Armada38x       DDR3 512MB
DS220+ 	Intel Celeron J4025             2       2       ✓       Geminilake      DDR4 2GB

If the package architecture of your source NAS is
88f628x (that's your DS218j), Alpine, Alpine4k, Evansport, Monaco, Ppc853x, or Qoriq,
you can only migrate drives to models with the same package architecture as your source NAS.
Otherwise, using HDD migration might result in all DSM configurations and package settings
being lost after migration. Only user data in the volumes will remain intact.

Re-configuring package settings is required after migration. Original package data and tasks are lost.

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I just successfully transfered drives to new NAS. But Channels will not open now, likely because the new NAS has a different IP than the old one. What is best way to address that? Note - since drives were migrated to new NAS, it has the same DNS name, but different IP. And NAS has a setting option to internally/manually change IPv4

Go to router and allocate IP of old NAS to new one? If so, just assign it, and restart the NAS? Or is there a way to change Channels to new NAS IP? Or do I have to reload Channels maybe? Or maybe there is another way I am not aware of...? Thanks!

Most likely this

You can make a dhcp reserved IP address for your new nas on your router. A change in IP address shouldn't affect running Channels DVR.